Autism & Race Realism

When you meet race realists, you realize that many of them are verging on the autistic in that they take no account of emotion and sentiment and popularity but are only interested in the facts. They won’t be swayed by social pressure to conform.

To be a public race realist is to abandon all hopes for prestige and popularity and a comfortable living. You have to prepare for personal onslaughts that can arrive at any moment. Most people will regard you as evil. You are the ultimate heretic.

Barry emails me:

The genius of the Left of race was not to fight the battle on the facts but on the terrain of social approval. So their main weapon was not truth but social pressure to conform. These days conformity is the main subject taught in universities.

A friend said he would rather his daughter went into a 14th century nunnery than higher education establishment. “At least there she would be of some value, tending to the poor and such like. What real use are the women who come out of humanities course, apart from joining some corporate harem.”

Still love your stuff. You must be the first “crypto white” in Jewish history.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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