Would You Want Your Daughter To Marry A Black Guy?

One of the first times I thought seriously about race was when I was writing about the porn industry in the late 1990s and found out that the leading white ladies such as Jenna Jameson did not want to do scenes with black guys.

From the blog JewAmongYou:

I do not want my descendants to be black. Why not, you ask? Here are some reasons and it should be noted that most of the following traits apply to black men, to one degree or another, regardless of where they are found or where they hail from:

1) A pathological culture that does not value learning, reading, or the other finer things in life that are considered “acting white”. Please note, I am speaking of American blacks and this cultural phenomenon is well known. Many have bemoaned this fact and it is no secret. Even though individual blacks can transcend this cultural handicap, there is a much higher risk for their children and grandchildren than for members of other ethnicities. The pressure, upon young blacks, is enormous. I do not want this to be the lot of my grandchildren.

2) Higher risk for many diseases. Hardly a day goes by when we don’t read about some malady that blacks are at higher risk for. In fact, it is rare to see an article about health that does not point this out. I do not want my descendants to be at higher risk for those diseases. We’ve got enough as it is.

3) A much higher risk for STD’s: I do not want my grandchildren to belong to a society that suffers disproportionately from sexually transmitted disease. Who, in his right mind, would want that for his own people? Given the choice, I’d rather my descendants be white and not have to deal with it.

4) A considerably lower average I.Q. The average I.Q. for white Americans is 100. For black Americans, it is 85. This is not based on one or two isolated studies; it is a well-established fact about which there is no dispute. The dispute has centered on the causes of this disparity. Whatever they may be, I do not want my descendants to be part of a society that is so handicapped. There are all kinds of negative consequences to societies whose average I.Q. is that low. Again, individuals may transcend those consequences, but their children will always be impacted by them. Ideally, each individual should be part of a greater society. Something larger than himself. As it stands, most blacks in America belong to black society. Many of them want it this way. Others perhaps not. Either way, black society is saddled with this major handicap. Given the choice, I’d rather my progeny not be handicapped in this way.

This is a good place to introduce the concept of “regression to the mean”. It turns out that, within various populations, the children of the highly intelligent will likely regress DOWN toward the mean of the population. Likewise the children of the less intelligent will regress UP toward the mean. So, even if my daughter picks out a bright black man, their children will probably be less intelligent than either of them. In other words, the norm, for black Americans, is 85 and there will be a tendency for black children to regress toward that, even if their parents are highly intelligent. Of course, a good upbringing will mitigate this effect to a certain degree – but for how many generations?

5) Much higher risk for illegitimacy. It seems that black men are much less likely to marry their sweethearts than white men. Why would I want my descendants to be part of such a society? Even black mothers will sometimes warn their daughters about black men.

6) Higher risk for being a criminal and for being the victim of a criminal. I don’t think this needs elaboration, obvious as it is. A black man is about eight times more likely to be a murderer than a white man. He is also much more likely, contrary to popular myth, to be a serial killer or a rapist.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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