In the Century City mall, there’s a place called Giggles and Hugs–a restaurant and indoor playground for kids — and it is now packed with Muslims–all the hijab and even burqa wearing ones. I love this diversity! They enrich and enliven our country and I want to hug them if that is compatible with their cultural norms.
It is fascinating to see dozens of burqas and hijabs in the space I like play in. They’re all over Century City mall now. I don’t know where they came from. They’re super religious.
Chaim Amalek: “Instead of complaining all day long, how about thinking how this diversity enriches your life and the lives of other colorless folk?”
If we don’t welcome these Muslims, what is the alternative? To hate them? Remove them? I think that many Americans support something like this from the late Lawrence Auster:
With the Thirteenth Amendment as our model, the amendment could be written as follows:
Section 1. The religion taught by the Prophet Muhammad in the Koran and in the Islamic Traditions or Hadiths, and formalized in the Islamic schools of jurisprudence, also known as the Sharia Law, shall not be practiced within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. This article supersedes any contrary provision of this Constitution and of the laws of the United States, and of the constitutions and laws of the several states.
Section 3. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. The constitutionality of any laws passed by Congress pursuant to this article shall not be subject to the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary.