Daily Beast: Awkward: This Democratic Judicial Candidate’s Husband Is a White Supremacist

Story. Robert Freeman is no lunatic. He writes an interesting blog. Jews do tend to have a particular point of view on these matters, so his question to the reporter was legit. It’s wonderful if Jews create Jewish neighborhoods by refusing to sell or rent to non-Jews, but if whites were to do that, that’s evil. It’s great when Jews organize in their group interest, and when blacks and gays and the Chinese do that, but when whites do that, it is evil. Jewish/gay/black/Chinese supremacy in certain things is wonderful, every group looks at the world in a way that allows it to view themselves as supreme, but if whites do this, it is evil. No “white supremacist” regards himself as a “white supremacist” or believes that whites are supreme at everything, but hey, it is fine to lie about and to slur those who care about the welfare of whites because whites are the one group not allowed to have group interests. As far as Freeman having dark thoughts, all nationalists, including Jewish nationalists, have to be prepared to kill a lot of people if that is necessary to preserve your own people from decimation. Freeman appears to love his own people, whites, as much as blacks love blacks and Jews love Jews and the Japanese love Japanese. Most people prefer those who are genetically similar to them. When you look at America, almost everyone lives among their own kind, works among their own kind, socializes primarily with their own kind, and worships with their own kind, all the while paying lip service to the joys of diversity they so avidly flee in reality. How many people who condemn Robert Freeman choose to live in black or latino neighborhoods and primarily socialize with blacks or latinos?

The bottom line is that there is an instinctive Jewish fear of white nationalism as a result of the Holocaust and Jews feel safer in a multi-racial and multi-cultural society than in a homogenous society so that’s why the Big Jews have been so pro-immigrant, and so pro-civil rights.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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