Why Did I Convert To Judaism?

Donald writes:

I am a 65 year old deracinated Jew from Chicago, living in Seattle since LSD was legal. I would likely be a Christian if I could believe the requisite dogmata, but I can’t.

So I am left wondering what led you to want to join a tribe to which you have no consanguinity and which offers you no advantage.

I am remembering a Norwegian man I met 20 years ago who was in love with my then bosses daughter. She would marry him only if he would convert to Judaism, which in his case meant that he first had to be brissed. The marriage didn’t last a year.

If you were soliciting advice, I think you should stay in Australia. America is coming down very soon in the greatest free for all racial and religious war of mass extermination ever imagined by a badly buggered bi-racial bi-sexual sociopath from a sketchy CIA family. Frankly, if I had kin in another country that loved me, I’d be there now. I’d certainly not be in LA, or anywhere near California or the west coast.

I converted to Judaism because I believe in God, Torah and Judaism. I find the practice of the religion makes me a better person, or at least it has the potential to improve me if I do it right, and I find Judaism adds more depth and meaning and excitement to my life and I find it intellectually challenging and rewarding. It makes life more intense. Most of the most impressive people I know are Orthodox Jews.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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