Asserting Your Group Identity

Jews have no problem building up the Jewish character of a neighborhood. They will refuse to sell their homes to non-Jews for instance as a tactic in increasing the number of Jews in an area. So why don’t whites do the same? Jews will often want to live in Jewish neighborhoods. Why shouldn’t whites want to live in white neighborhoods by deliberately not selling their homes to outsiders?

Steve Sailer writes:

A recurrent theme here at iSteve is that Americans should pay careful, respectful attention to how New Yorkers have rebuilt their city in recent decades because there is much that can be learned from New York. Of course, New Yorkers are tireless in offering advice to the rest of America, but the public verbiage seldom has much to do with what actually works in New York. For example …

When I was looking for a job in New York City in 1982, I stayed on 14th Street between 4th and 5th Avenue. The rule of thumb back then about the Lower East Side was that 3rd Avenue was fine, and the west side of 2nd Avenue was okay, but you wouldn’t want to cross 2nd Avenue (unless, I suppose, you were looking to buy drugs). Beyond was, presumably, 1st Avenue and a legendary set of north-south avenues beginning A, B, C known as Alphabet City, but nobody I was staying with was a drug addict so they’d never actually been there.

These days, of course, much is different, for which New York speaker of the Assembly Sheldon Silver can take some of the credit for blocking construction of public housing for Puerto Ricans on the Lower East Side for decades. But while doing so, always make sure to have lined up a hapless shlemiel to be your fall guy when the political winds shift.

ANONYMOUS COMMENTS: “The trick is to make sure that people say Jewish and not White. See, if I say that I am trying to preserve the neighborhood’s Jewish identity, that’s OK. If I say that I am trying to preserve its White identity, that sounds really sinister. Of course, since the overwhelming majority of American Jews are White, I’m also ensuring that the neighborhood stays White, so it’s a two for one deal.”

BIG BILL POSTS: The Jewish community has been gathering money for Rapfogel to help him make restitution for the federal/state poverty money he stole.

That is the definition of chutzpah.

The guy swiped $7M federal and state money that should have gone to poor Jews, yet he and his backers ask that Jews ante up $3.1M so he can make restitution (while keeping all the stuff he bought with the stolen cash!) so the goyim don’t send him to jail.

As best I can figure out the Jewish logic is “he really stole from the government, not us Jews, so let’s not be too hard on the guy. Other than being a huge thief he really is a pretty good Jew.”


Whenever you mention that African-Americans seem to have brought with them some sub-Saharan African behavioral patterns, it’s now traditional for somebody to say: “Africans are the most genetically diverse people on earth” and/or references to the dazzling diversity of African cultures. In reality, with famous exceptions like the Bushmen and Pygmies, Africa is a fairly homogeneous place for its vast size. As genetic anthropologist L.L. Cavalli-Sforza summed up in his 1994 book The History and Geography of Human Genes, “… differences between most sub-Saharan Africans other than Khoisan and Pygmies seem rather small.” Similarly, sub-Saharan cultures tend to be variations on a rather limited number of themes.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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