Kathy Henry, LCSW, says: Most of us want the easy way out.
We have to quit believing that our way is working. We have to find a source who can help us find another way.
Einstein said that it is difficult to remove by logic something that was not put there by logic. A lot of the times, we operate off of beliefs that are not logical, but they are solid beliefs inside of us. We’ve had them since we were children. We don’t know how to live any other way and so we just keep doing the same thing over and over again, and expect life to be better. Things such as being a victim, fear of abandonment, I should be able to control everything, everyone and my feelings, perfectionism, co-dependency, if I will love you enough you will love me back at the same level… Many people waste their lives stuck in these places. We have to face these deep beliefs and question them.
We have to be able to face our pain. It’s too terrifying. Therapy is going to hurt. Many people spend their lives running from pain.
We have to be willing to do the hard work. I see people all the time who find the way to do the work because they want true change. People come in to my office and I’ll say, you could learn by reading this book and they won’t read the book. They want me to feed it to them during the 50-minute session and then they complain about how many sessions it’s taking.
There is no substitute for humility in recovery.