Staring Death In The Face

Friend: “I’m not getting stuff done right, I’m a little distracted.”
Luke: “That’s understandable considering you are staring death in the face.”
Friend: “That’s not as bad as staring you in the face.”
Luke: “We’ll always remember you firing off faxes and emails of complaint until your last breath, trying to haggle with death, being the quintessential Jew to your last moment.”

* Wisdom from the rebbetzin: “I am sure that once married, you’d treat your wife 4-5 points better than the average Muslim. But the Muslims have a brain to know when to exercise his right to remain silent. Or to use his privacy settings.”

* Why don’t Jews call the Chinese and Japanese goyim? Why are only white goyim called goyim? I’m talking about social reality, not theory. A friend: “Goyim refers to the dominant culture, so faces of minorities are less likely to pop up if you say that word.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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