Walking Down Pico Blvd

Walking down Pico Blvd, this middle-aged white guy with a baseball cap on a bike stops me. “Rabbi, I have a question,” he says. “You’re a real rabbi, right, not a Jew for Jesus?” I tell him I’m not a rabbi. “But you’re the real deal, right?” he says. I say yes and I start coughing uncontrollably. He asks me if I’m all right. I finally manage to stop coughing and he tells me he made a lot of money in show business from James Gandolfini and wants to donate in his name, but is that ok considering Gandolfini is a goy? I told him that donating in his name would be a beautiful thing and he biked off happy.

* Pearl Reich says she waited seven years for her get (Jewish divorce). “And so I just left court with another five victories…. But one loss which hurts me deeply. Our life now is full of personal, private pain and struggles but I know our kids lives are one of glory, hope and freedom of expression garnished with religious tolerance….they’re glowing from happiness one day at a time. Unfortunately freedom comes with a heavy price when coming out of a insulated and isolated cult.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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