The Opposite Of Hillary

* So why did the Prime Minister fly back from Paris and convene his cabinet over one death? This is the opposite response to Hillary Clinton yelling about Benghazi, “What difference does it make?” If it is terrorism, it makes all the difference in the world. Imagine a president of the US died. Wouldn’t you want to know if it was murder or from natural causes?

* A couple of days ago, the NYT headline was to the effect that “51 dead in Oklahoma tornado” while now the death toll is pegged at 24, yet I haven’t read anyone berating the NYT over this error, while if the NY Post or Fox News had done it, the rulers of the conventional journalistic morality would be all over it.

* How come so many smoking hot women who dress like they have it together are just as screwed up as I am? How come for every woman I want to use and abuse, there’s a woman who wants to be used and abused? How come I feel so powerless in much of my life and usually end up with powerful women who want to surrender all power in certain scenarios?

* So I decided not to march over to the weepy girl in Starbucks and say in my booming voice, “That was some messed up stuff you shared in the meeting last night!”

* I can tell by the voice quality and the posture of people in 12 step meetings the quality of the program they’re working. Addicts still in addiction look so defeated in their bodies, their voices quaver, they feel so much small and inadequate versus their problems, while those who’ve worked the 12 steps seem bigger, stronger, more confident. The difference is dramatic.

* Without God, I am helpless before cleavage.

* Would the president speak at a college for white men as he did this weekend at Morehouse College, which is for black men?

* Perhaps the primary meaning of all the rape in the US Armed Forces is that men and women should be segregated in the Armed Forces and yet we’re integrating more and more while the rape problem seems to only get worse.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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