Protecting Mordecai Gafni

Protecting Mordecai Gafni Jewish Whistleblower emails: "It appears that Jacob Ner-David and Naomi Mark continue to obscure and re-write their role in protecting child molester Gafni and publicly attacking his survivors and their supporters. That they dare publish articles in a journal titled "Jewish Responsibility" is obscene as they have NEVER taken responsibility. Have they no shame? Apparently not." Jacob Ner-David writes:

Ten years ago I reconnected with Mordechai Gafni in Jerusalem. I had first met him as a thirteen-year-old in Camp Lavi, and then a few years later we were both arrested at a Soviet Jewry protest. Over the years I heard vague stories about him, but never paid much attention to the rumors or hearsay. As an activist often in the public eye, I knew how little merit those rumors usually held. Mordechai shared with me his dreams and visions for the future of the Jewish people, Jewish thought, and the world, which closely matched my thinking  just expressed a lot more eloquently and with more passion. I found in Mordechai, and then Avraham Leader, partners to transform Jewish life in Israel; together we created Bayit Chadash. Althoug sometimes Leader and I wonder whether we should have suspected Mordechai was hiding untold stories from us, we didn’t. We had checked him out with, among others, Avraham Infeld, then president of Melitz. Bayit Chadash grew  much of it due to Mordechai’s charismatic leadership.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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