Reclaiming The Word ‘Schvartze’

A friend says: Regarding the use of the word “shvartze” while it is in fact the German/Yiddish adjective for “black”, one must consider that the word is almost always used in a negative context, as in “The Shvartzes are rioting again”….”A Shvartze burned down my brother’s store” ….
So if we changed the context, perhaps we progressives could reclaim the word. Like “isn’t it wonderful how many gold medals the shvartzes won for America at the Olympics?” or “A wonderful shvartze helped me with my groceries today when I was tired”
Let this be a central task of the new Luke Ford.

DAVID EMAILS: Like it. You have to be careful though. “Did you see what the schvartze in the White House did” may be intended as complimentary, and by those who appreciate your sensitivity and tolerance, may be taken as such, but others may be less (or would it be more?) discriminating.

Of course, the ultimate usage that would confirm one’s good intentions is the one least likely to be used by any Jew (Norman Podhoretz notwithstanding): “Did you hear the great news? My daughter is marrying a schvartze!”

How are you doing, tall, dark and terse?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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