How Would I Measure Dennis Prager’s Intellectual Influence?

Here’s my unauthorized biography of him.

I went to Google Scholar and measured his influence by citations. There were about 900, not that much.

I’d love your feedback on my Prager bio. I’m looking for things I’m missing in my chronicling of his life. I’m looking for new directions for it. If you
read it and thought, why doesn’t Luke write about X or Y vis a vis
Prager? I’m aiming for an objective approach and don’t want my own
craziness getting in its way. He’s a massive hero to me, a father
, etc, but I don’t want that messing up my bio.

I understand the writing of the bio is not snappy and it doesn’t flow
smoothly. I am continually updating it as I get new info, so it is
one-man Wiki style. I’m not concerned about the writing quality right now. I’m concerned about my blind spots.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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