Do You Suffer From Back Pain?

I’m using this pitch:


Do you suffer from back pain?

Many of my clients are attorneys who suffer from back and neck pain due to the sedentary and high-stress nature of their profession.

I offer free consultations to attorneys who want to learn more about their interfering tension patterns. Virtually all back, neck and head pain is caused by needless muscular holding. As an Alexander Technique teacher, I help people notice their particular forms of compression and show them how to let go.

If you are smooth in the way you move, you are going to come across to other people as smooth but if you’re jerky or slumped or compressed or distorted in your body, that’s how you are going to come across, no matter how brilliant your words.

My website is and my phone number is 323-528-5814. I’m based in Pico-Robertson, by Beverly Hills.


Luke Ford

Joe* emails: Although I think over all its quite good and may persuade some otherwise skeptical lawyers to try out your services. However, I think the intro, “do you suffer from back pain” will actually turn off some readers, rather than engage them. Its limiting. What you are offering is not the elimination of back pain. You are offering a method of movement and carriage that will assist them in terms of personal presentation and will have the incidental effect of helping with back pain. You are helping them become both more conscious about and more comfortable with their bodies.

I think a better intro would be: “Is your penis too small to satisfy your partner?” Now, that would draw them in.

Fred emails: I question whether focus on back pain is the best way to proceed. The reason Alexander developed his technique is that his recommended posture modifications prevented problems in his theatrical speaking. Also, the changes to posture improve one’s dramatic presence. (That might not be the best way of stating the matter.) It’s not just for back problems, and I wonder whether people with back issues represent the lion’s share of the Alexander market. Have you looked at what other Alexander instructors say when trawling among lawyers for business? Perhaps you should start with a list of things that Alexander is said to improve and then pick out those issues that would most appeal to lawyers.

Trial attorneys are certainly concerned with their presence in the court rooms, and I think the Alexander technique could assist them. They might also be interested if they know that actors pursue the technique to improve their theatrical presence, and the same traits are valuable in the court room.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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