In an interview with Direction Journal, veteran Alexander Technique teacher David Gorman says: “I hear a lot of enthusiasm [from Alexander teachers] that this study published in the British Medical Journal is really going to change things. I don’t think it will. It’s not all that dramatic of a study. It compares Alexander to massage.
“People can’t expect to carry on teaching as they have and the work will catch on. Everybody else out there is going to suddenly get the Technique and the Technique stays the way it is. I don’t think that’s going to happen. It is us that has to change, not just in the way we market the Technique but in the way we do the Technique.”
“Instead of just doing what Alexander did, we need to look closely at the people coming in and see what is going on there.”
“If we just look at them through Alexander eyes and try to drag them away from their life and what they’re doing and teach them new things…