Criminal Complaint Filed In John Edwards Affair

From the National Enquirer:

UPDATE: John Edwards’ secret meeting with his mistress at the Beverly Hilton hotel has now become part of a criminal complaint.

    NATIONAL ENQUIRER reporters Alan Butterfield and Alexander Hitchen filed a criminal complaint with the Beverly Hills Police Department on Thursday, July 24, charging that hotel security acted unlawfully while the reporters were trying to question the former senator.

Edwards now could be contacted by police to give an eyewitness account of what occurred.

Hotel security tried to stop the reporters from questioning Edwards in the basement of the hotel at approximately 2:40 a.m. Tuesday, July 22 after Edwards came off an elevator and appeared to be attempting to leave the hotel unseen.

His secret mistress Rielle Hunter and her baby were upstairs, and Edwards had just spent hours with them in a secret rendezvous.

As Butterfield and Hitchen tried to question Edwards, he ran down a hallway and ducked into a men’s public bathroom. The reporters attempted to follow him in and Edwards pushed the door shut from inside.

Hotel security showed up and intervened. The reporters charge that not only did one security guard threaten to break their camera but that security also violated several statutes of the California Penal Code, including false imprisonment and preventing a guest from entering land.

The ENQUIRER reporters were registered guests at the hotel, while Edwards was not.

Police recorded the criminal complaint and will turn it over to detectives.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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