Is It Me Or Is It Danielle Berrin?

Danielle writes in the latest issue of the Jewish Journal about Lag B’Omer: "Spread across the cold, damp sand Nashuva, JConnectLA, Aish HaTorah, Bais Bezalel, Jqueer and COEJL all demonstrated that freedom is not limited to putative Jews practicing their customs in the open, public air, but that real dignity is felt when different kinds of Jews can celebrate their freedom side by side."

For the love of Christ, what does that mean?

Sweet Jesus, doesn’t this girl have an editor?

Holy Mother of God, how’s Danielle going to get married if the Journal permits her to publish these bewildering sentences?

I can just imagine the hubby getting home from work.

"What would you like to eat, dear?" asks Danielle.

"Some steak would be nice."

"Freedom is not limited to putative Jews practicing their customs in the open, public air," says Danielle, "but that real dignity is felt when different kinds of Jews can celebrate their freedom side by side."

Hubby then strangles Danielle. The cops are called. He’s dragged off to jail.

And all this heartbreak because Susan Freudenheim was polishing a feel-good column instead of editing Danielle’s copy.

Oy ve.

Jane emails: “You reminded me of that scene in Bridget Jones’s diary where she’s at the restaurant with Daniel Cleaver trying to appear all intelligent, saying “So,what do you think about the situation in Chechnya? Isn’t it a nightmare?” And he says “Oh, I couldn’t give a f**ck,Jones… Now tell me more about practicing french-kissing with the girls at school.” I guess Berrin must have missed that little film.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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