Thursday, October 07, 2010 Radio Show
H1: Hysteria
Prager H1: The Economist reports that India will overtake China economically in the next couple of decades. The main reason: China’s one child policy, another bad Leftist idea born of hysteria. Europe, in its way, has imbibed in the same Zero Population Growth (ZPG) thinking and is now paying for it… Representative Alan Grayson, the disgrace of the Congress, comes under tough questioning by CNN’s Anderson Cooper…
Thursday, October 07, 2010 Radio Show
H2: Printing Money
Prager H2: The Fed is printing money and gold is rising… Democrats might lose Congress, but the President isn’t worried, he’ll just appoint more Czars… Tony Blair warns that radical Islam is gaining ground… Hispanics share the values of the Republican Party, so why do they vote Democrat?
Thursday, October 07, 2010 Radio Show
H3: No Courage, No Talent
Prager H3: An art professor at Stanford produces crude art depicting Jesus receiving oral sex from a man. For this he’s called courageous… Dennis talks to Nancy Pearcey, fellow at the Discovery Institute. Her new book is Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning… The issue of the debasement of the culture, and how the Democrat Party abets it, is another important key reason to vote Republican in this coming election.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010 Radio Show
H1: A Letter to Hispanics
Prager H1: Dennis discusses his latest column “A Letter from a Republican to Hispanics” which is going viral on the Internet… Callers weigh in… The Democrats aren’t interested in creating wealth; they’re interested in redistributing it… Dennis talks to Star Parker, an eloquent black conservative running for Congress in a traditionally Democratic district in Los Angeles.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010 Radio Show
H2: Male/Female Hour: Money, Honey
Prager H2: Is it wrong for a woman to marry a man for his money?
Wednesday, October 06, 2010 Radio Show
H3: Get a Job
Prager H3: Linda McMahon, Republican candidate for Senate for Connecticut asked her opponent, Richard Blumenthal, to describe how a job was created. He couldn’t do it (she could)… Carl Paladino may be blunt, but he knows what’s wrong with New York State – too many taxes, too much government regulation… Dennis returns to his “Letter from a Republican to Hispanics” column.
Saving Leonardo

Blair: Radical Islam Gaining Ground
Obama Gets Ready to Rule from White House
As Fed Continues to Print Money, Gold Soars
To make more money, you push a button. To find gold takes a lot of risk capital and hard work. Which do you think is more valuable? If you had bought gold when Dennis started advertising it, you’d be way ahead of the game now.
More about Star Parker for Congress
America’s Public Sector Plague

Newsweek: If There Are Terror Attacks in Europe, Conservatives Are to Blame
Is It Ethical to Get Oil from Saudi Arabia When We Can Get It from Canada?