In The Name Of The Messiah, What Am I Doing?

Smiling Arab @ writes:

Lucas, what is all of this? You’re not only further polluting the web with these spam trap sites, but you’re not even good at it. My grandfather took time from fondling his many wives to tell me once that one works harder *not* to work than making an honest day’s living.

Go out, prostitute your meager skills in temp work with people half your age. Showing up at B-list events like some cut-rate paparazzi in a funeral director’s suit and creating blogs about things you don’t have the faintest clue about is working too hard not to work. You’ve walked away from your destiny as the moral shepherd to the porn whores. I don’t agree with that move but it’s your right. Now what you need to do is get a normal job that you can leave at 5pm and work on these retarded SEO sites in your spare time. There is absolutely no subject on which you have any authority whatsoever except porn. It would have been sad but understandable if you lost your soul in that world, but to see a man spiraling down the drain for BETTER REAL ESTATE TIPS LOL and affiliate payments from a "Free Guide to Composting" (which has just invaded my lower right-hand window) is just pathetic.

It’s man-up time, my friend. Your jew friends will never respect you and will always treat you like a creepy uncle because you’re a creepy person that lives like an overgrown teenager. They just can’t understand how a grown man can spend so much time in pursuit of so little. You’re undoubtedly well on your way toward becoming the answer to some porn fan’s WEHT question yourself. Stop before you lose even what little you have.

In the name of the Messiah I never believed in and you infamously abjured, just what the hell are you doing? You can’t even figure out how to fix your wordpress logins and you’re selling SEO services? You’re actually DESIGNING sites? Jesus Christ, Lucas, you’re making videos in your pathetic SEO dream giving writer tips? WRITER TIPS? Did you somehow fail to mention "WRITE ABOUT NAKED CHICKS" to account for your raging success in there?

I’ve warned you Luke, this isn’t going to end well for you. I don’t know why I should care whether you trade in the hovel for a refrigerator box — it’s not like we’re friends or anything — but for some reason, it rents my soul to see you reduced to this. Most people change careers several times in their life, but you’re on the wrong side of 40 for that. And I don’t think that pouring a thousand spammy words on a thousand spammy pages really counts as a "career", at least not to your Jew friends.

Follow my advice: call Rob Spallone, beg him for a short bridge loan and get a pr0n site up and running again. Your wonderful "SEO skills" that you’re currently learning from books-on-tape and sites that look as godawful hideous as this one aren’t going to keep you out of the poorhouse, mostly because (and this is a GIGANTIC CLUESTICK for you here), you’re NO LONGER WRITING ABOUT ANYTHING INTERESTING. Really. Holly’s kind enough to give make a cameo in this disastrous spin-off and you can’t even do anything with that. You’ll get some people here for the trainwreck and you’ll become the new Casey Serin, with thousands reveling as you take each step closer to your demise. Except he knew how to admin WordPress, like every other half-functional tard.

This is it, Luke. You’re at a turning point. It’s not too late. Amalek may have given up on you for spurning his advice but I have not.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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