Along With The Great Rabbis Of My Generation, I’ve Decided To Ban A Hasidic Concert At Madison Square Garden With Separate Seating For Men And Women

My signature was not forged.

Anyone who goes to this concert is putting their soul in peril.

Anonymous posts to chaptzem: It’s quiet interesting how all of the people sitting here and criticizing those who have a problem with the rabonim for issuing this ban, all seem to not care what most gedolim have banned and keep on speaking out against it — the internet. I’m assuming all of you don’t really care or have a loophole or another not to have to listen to them. The fact of the matter is the rabonim are way to busy with nonsense bans and seem to have forgotten that most of our meat isn’t kosher and how many agunas are living amongst us. We all have to do what we think is right and if we follow a particular Rebbe or Gadol then we should adhere to the rules and to their teachings. Rabbonim and Gedolim are not Hashems police for our COMMUNITIES. We are ALL different and all have different customs.This reminds me of how disgusted I was to get a letter in the mail about 2 years ago in regard to how the eruv in flatbush is not kosher. I have never associated myself with any of the rabbonim who signed the paper, and it really upset me how they think that they are the police of Flatbush.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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