Your Mohel Leader

Kirk emails:

Luke: I am dismayed and distressed. Of all the people who would do such a thing, I never thought it would be you. How in the world can you place yourself in such a high position of leadership when you have no credentials to back it up? You really want people to respect you as their Mohel Leader? So tell us, how many ritual circumcisions have you actually performed? Where did you get your training? You surely know to be a Mohel Leader takes years of study, training and supervised practice. I have been to many a Bris in the Pico Robertson community and never, I repeat never, have I seen you step forward to perform the circumcision. I suggest you achieve the proper qualifications before you continue this charade. I, for one, do not consider you my Mohel Leader!

I chiefly operate on women in third world countries (what do they need that naughty pleasure button for anyway?), not boys in Pico-Robertson.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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