‘You Did The Same Thing To Jesus!’

I’ve put aside the sacred texts to produce this Jane Fonda-style workout video to the theme of Rocky.

Chaim Amalek writes:

If you were more entrepreneurial, you would be rich!
Think: baseball trading cards but with rabbis instead of sportsmen.
Think: a series of photos of homeless men.
Think: a table book with photos of the homeless mixed in with photos of the rabbinate.

Bob emails: "Am I the only one who pictures Luke as a demented Howar Hughes-type shut in? Cover his jowls with a long gray beard and fill the hovel full of jars of Luke’s own urine and he’s there."

Khunrum emails:

Luke, I believe we all applaud your new fitness regimen. Btw How many laps around The Hovel makes a mile?

You should walk in to the various shuls that have barred you, Camera of Death ON. You film them throwing you out. You remind them that they did the same thing to Jesus and you wouldn’t want to see them making another mistake. You ask Rabbi Weil if can recommend a decent stable where you might spend the night with your pregnant wife. You get the idea.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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