Was Bill Clinton Our First Black President?

In Monday night’s debate, Barak Obama answered: "I’d have to investigate more Bill’s dancing abilities…before I accurately judge whether he was a brother."

Dennis Prager tackled this 25 minutes into the show linked: "I will explain why this got the most intense applause of the evening. Why? The Left has made it impossible to talk about race with honesty. It’s one of the totalitarian things that I so fear the Left for. All totalitarianism outside of Islam and the partial exception of Nazism, has been Leftist. There is a deep strain on the Left that because they know what is good, they will enforce it.

"There has been so little ability to be honest about racial issues because you will be called a racist that people are relieved… This is a left-wing audience. Even people on the Left are relieved when there can be some honest jocularity about race. Wow, the tension was [defused]. If a white had said ‘We don’t know how well he dances,’ it would’ve been the end of his career. He would’ve been David Dukeized. Barak Obama gave permission for ten seconds for an audience to laugh about racial matters. Now the lid is back on and one can not make that joke anymore."

Prager plays a clip of Hillary saying in the debate: "You don’t hear the Republicans talking about the disgrace of a criminal justice system that incarcerates so many more African-Americans than whites."

Dennis: "What is the point Hillary Clinton is trying to make aside from ingratiating herself with the South Carolina community? Of course blacks are disproportionately incarcerated because blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime."

When Prager blames low black educational achievement on the Democrats running inner-city school systems, a black liberal caller says that blacks have to be held responsible for low black educational achievement.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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