Rising Yid: I’m Going To Compare The Effects Of Viagra Vs Cialis Vs Levitra Live On Video

Lewis Fein calls. "The thing I love about your blog is that you’ll have five normal entries and then you’ll scroll down and then, bam, "Need Help Refinancing Your Mortgage?

"And then it cuts to a video."

Lewis imitates my lazy Australian accent. "Mortgages are the wave of the future."

"And you’re sitting in the hovel and holding up Monopoly money. ‘This is how you refinance. This is subprime.’

"I can’t wait for the live viagra demonstration. ‘There’s a lot of medication on the market. Viagra. Cialis. Levitra. I’m going to try each and you can be the judge."

"The live viagra vs. cialis demonstration sandwiched between Harkham Hillel financial scandal and Ben Shapiro weds… You throw the pill in, you have a glass of water and then it cuts to you standing up and you can see the bulge and people can compare the effect of viagra vs. cialis.

"Dude, that would be an amazing video. Do it in full Orthodox garb!"

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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