Britney Moving To Colorado

Penny Parker writes for the Rocky Mountain News:

Blogs were a-buzzin’ Friday after a report saying that troubled pop star Britney Spears and boyfriend/real estate mogul John Sundahl were buying a home in Denver’s tony Cherry Creek North.

The original story said that Sundahl, an L.A.-based owner of a real estate development company and an aviation firm, plunked down $2.2 mil for a home he hopes to share with Spears. But some gossip bloggers pooh-poohed the story, and several high-profile real estate sources I contacted could not confirm the alleged transaction.

The story also said that Spears would be checking into the Harmony Foundation, an Estes Park rehab center. But that would be up to an L.A. County judge who would have to give the out-of-control star permission to leave California where her troubles continue mounting.

Internet gossip guru Perez Hilton told his cyberspace readers to file the story that Spears would move to Colorado and check into rehab "under probably not true . . . Rehab would do Britney good, but we have a feeling this report is a bunch of BS, unfortunately," Hilton said.

While not dismissing the validity of the story altogether, poked fun at Hilton’s choice of rehab in our state.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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