The Pussycat Preacher

For two weeks you can watch the whole 75-minute movie for free. Click here. You may have to download special software from but it is hassle free and won’t hurt your computer.

It’s about my friend Heather Veitch, an ex-stripper who turned Christian evangelist to the sex industry.

The movie talks about how much opposition Heather received from Christians.

It’s no mystery to me why so many people — particularly women — hate strippers and hookers and porn stars and even hate those who minister to sex workers.

Men do not naturally bond with one woman and stay around to help rear children. They only do this at a high percentage if all other avenues of sexual expression aside from monogamous marriage are stigmatized. More men would sit around watching porn all day and spending their spare money on hookers if it was more socially acceptable.

Almost every society stigmatizes masturbation and commercial sex because it reduces the incentive for men to commit to one woman and to help her raise their children. Natural man prefers to screw around.

Women instinctively hate strippers and porn because it reduces their female power. A regular woman’s breasts are devalued when anyone can go on the internet and find free pictures of the finest breasts in the world. A 35 yo woman’s sexuality is not as valuable when you can easily rent the vagina of someone younger and hotter.

Many of Heather’s fellow Christians recoiled on instinct against her ministry to sex workers. It disrupted their comfortable patterns of thinking. It’s tiring to go out into the world and interact closely with those who don’t share your values.

I find it much easier to go to a kosher restaurant and a kosher supermarket where everything is kosher and I don’t have to constantly be on guard against trafe. I am more relaxed around Orthodox Jews than any other group. We all like to be around our own kind, particularly as we get older. And in our comfortable lives that most of us have worked hard to secure, we don’t want the forces of death and disease and disgust coming in. Sex work is tame — impure — and most people don’t want sex workers and those who associate with them in their home, community and house of worship.

Sex is fire. It can warm your life or toast it. When this genie is taken out of the marital bottle, to quote Dennis Prager, civilization breaks down.

A friend of mine was a member of a chareidi shul. She got divorced. Suddenly the tides of disorder threatened to overwhelm her community. Those with shaky marriages were disturbed that one of their own had walked away from her marriage. Various married men in the shul tried to f— her now that she was single. Wives felt threatened. There were a series of divorces in the community. She had started a trend.

She was pushed out of that community and relocated to the Modern Orthodox where bonds are not as tight. She has less of a sense of community now but more freedom.

I have a single female friend in her thirties. Wherever she goes in chareidi Orthodox life, she disrupts communities. Married men, including rabbis, want to f— her for fun. Their wives sense this and hate her. She alternately revells in and feels distraught over her power. But there’s no home for her in the warm chareidi shuls she wants to belong to as long as she’s single. If she wants a shul, she’ll have to settle for an antiseptic big-tent Modern Orthodox shul — Beth Jacob, etc — where most people ignore her.

The online version of the documentary Pussycat Preacher doesn’t mention Heather’s recent divorce and how it cost her almost all of her Christian friends. The sex workers, however, still love her.

Pastor Craig Gross from the XXXChurch writes:

Tuesday we head for Las Vegas for the AVN Adult Expo. January 9th marks six years for Send all birthday cards to the PO Box.

We have learned a lot over the six years with XXXchurch. We have met a lot of people and come across a lot of things that have hurt. Our story has inspired others to do things. Some knock off our ideas and create look a like events to help churches talk about porn. Some use our slogans and ideas and create their own events or so called movements. Some use their time with us to try and strike a deal or launch a solo career. Some just like being associated with what we do but don’t want to do any of the work that needs to be done.

We are excited about the show and praying for great things to come. We are worried about Las Vegas becauase there are 5 ministries that are doing some form of outreach next week at the show. Some are putting out request for volunteers on their Myspace. Some are stating that they need bodyguards and scaring people about the people that they might encounter. Some have so much hate for the industry that their motives in going are driven by hate not love. We have groups that are walking outside the show, some groups that have booths, and some that plan to just walk the show and bombard people with tracks and propoganda. And I am sure there will be the picketers. My friend Heather and I talked this week and we just decided to say something. Heather lives in Vegas and reaches out to females in the industry. She and her friend Annie will be joining us at this years show. What we would like to say is “Sorry”. Sorry to those of you who will encounter groups and people next week that will not sound and do things like the Jesus they claim to be associated with. Please know that although we all speak of Jesus we are not all the same. We know this is very confusing to people to see so many different groups sending so many different messages and for that we apologize. We hope that you have seen over the years what are true intentions are and that we really do believe Jesus loves you and we share that same love for you as well.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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