Blogging For Money

Joe emails:

Hi Luke,

I have long been an avid reader of yours, since the protocols days. I like the salacious view of the frum community. In any case, I see that you have now become more serious about making some money from your blogging, so I wanted to share a few ideas with you. You may know some of this, but I think you can make more money without too much work.

1. You really need to do a much better job with your adsense placement and color selections. I don’t know what your ctr is, but I am sure it can be improved. You might want to look at and advertise for an adsense specialist. You can probably find someone to greatly improve things for like 100 bucks or less.

2. If you don’t already, it is really high time that you get an account at and start doing some affiliate marketing. There is no better way to monetize your traffic than through affiliates. If you look through their links, there are many companies that would appeal to your audience. and or sites of the sort pay like 30 bucks or more per free monthly trial that you generate, which sure beats 10 cents a click from adsense.

3. You might want to look into they let you sell e-books which generally sell very well and pay a very high commission.

4. You should write posts or essays targeting generic typos, for which you can rate well on google. Examples would be jewlery, jewellry, dimond, insurane and others… they get many searches a day, but since big companies don’t usually like to target typos, you have a very nice shot at getting ranked for those terms. When you do this, make sure that your title is the exact word or phrase, and that the next sentence or so is something that would entice someone to click through if they are finding you on google. Ex. would be the title is jewlery and the first sentence is Get Jewlery gold and diamonds for 80% off retail or something like that. Then, when you rank for a work or phrase on google, that will show as your description, thus encouraging more clicks. Also, if you start to rank for some commercial keyword, then you should make blog posts on some of your blogs with the hyperlink to that page and the keyword as the link text.

5. You can look at (sometimes down) of keyword discovery’s free tool to estimate how much traffic a work or a phrase gets, so that you target things which will get some searches..

6. You should have a big banner ad or a block ad from doubleclick or one of those cpm ad networks at the top of your page. They usually pay 2-8 bucks per 1000 impressions, regardless of clicks.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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