JTS To Accept Gay and Lesbian Students

That’s Yossi Abramowitz’s headline for his latest scoop. JTS has always accepted gay and lesbian students just as it has always accepted students with inclinations towards orgies and adultery (every male). It has not accepted, until now, those who openly acted on such urges and publicly proclaimed there was nothing wrong in doing so. I keep hearing, "But they were born gay." Yeah, and every man is born an adulterer, but the Torah and Western tradition asks him to restrain himself. Just because a man is born wanting to bugger another man or children or multiple women does not make it OK for him to act on these urges. Yossi writes about gays at JTS having nervous breakdowns over their fear of being outed. I’m sure plenty of heterosexual men have felt they were suffering a nervous breakdown over fears that their heterosexual sins would be outed. Why should we have any more compassion for the homosexual than the adulterer? Because heterosexuals don’t whine as much at not getting to act on their urges and have it be declared publicly acceptable? When I walk down the street and see a beautiful woman, I often feel deep pain that I don’t get to have sex with her (or anyone aside from my future wife). Where’s the compassion for me? David Klinghoffer writes on Jewcy.com that liberals want to reduce human freedom:

Gay marriage: The implicit justification for this insists that gays are in the grip of nature. They have no choice about their sexual behavior. So let‚Äôs endorse their love in civil law.Abortion: Here it‚Äôs women who are supposedly in the grip of nature, specifically sexual desire. The lady made a mistake and got pregnant. Liberals believe she can‚Äôt be held responsible for this, as denying her an abortion would do. The solution to unwanted pregnancy is a material one (ten minutes of vacuuming the uterus) over a spiritual one (taking responsibility for the outcome of sexual intercourse). Gun control: A gun isn’t a force of nature, but it’s treated as if it were one. If this particular material object is found in the house, we are virtually compelled to abuse it, endangering ourselves and others. The only solution is to restrict gun ownership. Global warming: We are in the grip of a vengeful, enraged nature! ‚ÄúAngry nature is holding a gun to our heads,‚Äù as the magazine of the Sierra Club warns. Affirmative action: Racial discrimination, whether favoring a minority or not, is based on the assumption that people are trapped by naturally-determined limitations associated with their skin color. Other liberal views don‚Äôt make an issue of nature as such but still implicitly deny what Hirsch calls our ‚Äúunique position of freedom,‚Äù advocating material mechanisms to keep us safe and happy rather than relying on free choice.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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