The Troubler Of Israel

I’m increasingly disturbed by the raucous behavior of the younger generation during the kabbalat shabbat service (Friday nights).

It’s gotten to the point to where I can’t tell if it’s the NCSY (for marginally observant Orthodox teens) or Etta Israel (for retarded Jewish kids) weekend in shul.

Isn’t there a law against banging your prayer book to the tunes? How hard are you allowed to slap the thing before you desecrate God’s name?

I walk into shul Shabbos morning and there’s a crowd of Soviet Jews in jeans looking for handouts. They’re scribbling over various papers and asking for the rabbi.

As the guardian of the conventional morality, I can’t allow this desecration in shul.

"You can’t write in a synagogue on the Sabbath!" I say.

"We’re not religious," they respond. "We’re from the Soviet Union. We’re just babes. This is America! We can do anything.

"Do we belong here?"

"You can’t write in shul," I respond. "You need to leave the sanctuary."

"Why do American Jews vote Democrat?" they ask.

Oy ve.

Later, there’s a big speech about the hardships in Rwanda. Then we all go down for a nice kiddish. I’d have thought it’d be cancelled in honor of the Rwandans starvation. Or at least we’d have a Rwandan-style kiddish of bugs and grass.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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