I’m Live On My Cam!

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Palestine4ever: “It was your destiny to be the noblest pornographer and the poorest Jew.”
palestine4ever: when orthodox and conservatives and reforms were feuding, there was this full page ad put in the newspaper by a jew charity with a picture of a little girl, probably just a bleached ethiopian, saying “she doesn’t care about politics. she’s jewish and she’s hungry”. My friend, a lefty, categorically refused to believe there was a poor jew on this earth. He was like THAT’S BULLs**t MYANNNNNNN
palestine4ever: i don’t know how you can economize more =(
palestine4ever: of course, you could get a website of a different nature up in a day and get some immediate cash…
palestine4ever: honestly that sounds like a plan: nvm this orthodox biznis, go back one last time and use it to pay for alex technique
guest64: Do you miss your porno days?
guest64: The beard becomes you. Now you look like a real Jew! Why don’t you establish a harem or a cult like Israeli Goel Ratzon?
guest65: Do you get laid anymore?
guest65: Why good is it to be religious unless you are the king, president or prince of the Jews?
guest65: If you’ve no wife or kids, you must make up for it by becoming more than just a blogger.
guest65: Do you make a living?
guest65: You were more famous as a porn king.
guest65: Go back to porn. But only make porn for Jews. No shiksas.
guest65: These are the end days, worship means nothing. The smartest Jews believe there is no God.
guest65: Do you miss your porno days when you used to fornicate with the smut sluts?
guest65: Oh, Immoral Leader. You have fallen astray. Go back to porno.
guest65: False religion has turned you into a recluse. Your heart is not in it like it was in the sex trade.
guest65: Where love and sex is concerned, there is no such thing as evil. Only guilty repressed minds.
guest65: What will be left of Luke Ford if he passes away of sedentary pedant inactivism? Bits and bites of blogs? No flesh and blood? No tie to the afterlife for reincarnation? Just these websites?
guest65: At least go donate your seed so that a lesbo Jewess can be with child.
guest65: The Jewish community deserves better than to be saddled with hermit web scholars, vagina allergic queers and barren women. Fruits and freaks cannot multiply as the Lord says…
guest65: You were once a fine young man. As youthful and vigorous as many of the Aussies who have made it as actors in Hollywood. What happened to you?
guest65: To be a good productive Jew is to start a family and have a zest for life. Not dwell in a netherworld of lonely intellectualism and self deprecation.
guest65: Stop living in your head and get a life!
guest65: Did I scare away the goim?
guest65: Or the false Jews like you?
guest65: Who waste their lives feeling sorry for themselves.
guest65: You require the teachings of kabbalah.
guest65: For positive energy and renewal.
guest65: This is useless unless you write the great American novel.

Khunrum emails: “A trip to Luke’s Cam can be a cheerless and creepy encounter. What we see is a physically unfit middle aged man with a Rip Van Winkle beard either snoozing or typing on the computer. There are other “guests” but they are not identified (even by an alias) and rarely speak up. Guest 17….Guest 34….Guest 26……silence. It has the appearance of Peeping Tom’s staring through the window. It’s like a silent wake with a somewhat movable corpse. Luke rarely acknowledges his “guests”. Maybe a quick hello and that’s about it. There is an air of depression emanating from both directions…Luke inside and those outside who seem to have a morbid fascination watching a person who is rarely doing anything. Gone are the days when a cheerful Emma was around for an uplifting chat. Her father wisely put an end to that. Last we heard Sweet Emma had met a “Nice Catholic Boy” and was in love. Good going Father of Emma, you did the smart thing getting her away from such morbidity. Luke, I suggest you are the Jack Kavorian of the Internet. An hour or so on your Cam…a quick call to Jack and then the Gas Pipe.”

Bob emails: “It’s what I imagine Hitler’s bunker would have looked like if he had a web cam.”

Chaim Amalek emails: Except that there is no Army Group Steiner on his maps to pin hopes on.

Now if you really want to depress yourselves, consider the Luke Ford of ten years ago, who had national media attention and was on an upward ark. Had he put some effort into it, he’d have found others willing to help him for free to become one of those media people who rise from nothing to get paid millions a year (e.g., Rachel Ray). But he did nothing. He was content to drift, and play the twink.

Or you might consider the Luke Ford of five years ago, who still had some clout in popular culture, was supported by Cathy Seipp, who introduced Luke to all of her smart-set writer friends (not “bloggers” but real writers). Even four years ago, Luke could have pulled his fat from the fire by knocking up/marrying Holly Randall, the woman he was meant to marry. She’d have been perfect for him — the right family (“Yichhus”), an upbringing that taught her that a wife is for supporting a writer-husband monetarily, and real estate holdings. Plus, did I mention that Holly was tall, funny, bright, tolerant, spent her days in the company of beautiful women, and quite pretty to boot? But he failed to close a deal that was sitting in his lap.

And now? A beggar. Alone, except for the occasional evening with some forty-something Jewess who loathes his religious practices. Essentially no remaining media power. Advancing ever deeper into middle age, and dependent on his hard working family to support him. The Seipp circle has long since turned its back on him. And now, as before, he just does not care. The world has moved on.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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