Gawker Forces Alex Pareene to Become a Journalist

BigHeadDC reports:

The big news this weekend that a whopping three editors, including the managing editor, quit Nick Denton’s flagship Gawker Media blog empire, has left former Wonkette editor Alex Pareene up a tree without a parachute. Pareene, you’ll recall, was run out of Washington after his affair with a married female was revealed on Big Head DC. Denton looked kindly on him (maybe because Denton is known for some strange affairs of his own), and let him start quietly snarking in NYC at Gawker. But, with the departure of a majority of its editorial staff, Denton has now announced that he wants to re-fashion the site as a news disseminator — not a snark regurgitator.

BigHeadDC writes this memo to Dan Savage:

Perhaps you don’t want to believe the Benjamin Nicholas / Trent Lott story because you played a role in once hiring Nicholas, an alleged plagiarist, to write a few articles for your newspaper, The Stranger? Have you had communications with Nicholas since this story broke? If so, what has he told you? Have you not been honest in explaining your relationship with him? Most importantly, why did he risk his negatively affecting escort business by not flat-out denying a Lott relationship in his original e-mails?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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