The Lifestyle

Chuck Johnson wrote April 5 about Bob Lee’s murder: “Lee liked drugs. Lee bought drugs. Lee also liked orgies.”

Johnson was way ahead of the curve on this story.

May 14, 2023, the Wall Street Journal catches up:

Before His Killing, Tech Executive Bob Lee Led an Underground Life of Sex and Drugs

After the Cash App founder died in a stabbing, some were quick to blame San Francisco’s street violence. The truth was more shocking.

SAN FRANCISCO—In certain wealthy tech circles it is known as “The Lifestyle,” an underground party scene featuring recreational drug use and casual sex…

On the afternoon of April 3, a Monday, the partying took a dark turn. According to San Francisco prosecutors, Ms. Momeni’s older brother confronted Mr. Lee about her. Was she taking drugs or doing anything inappropriate, he wanted to know. Hours later the brother, Nima Momeni, stabbed Mr. Lee with a kitchen knife and left him to bleed out in the street, prosecutors alleged. Mr. Momeni, who was arrested on suspicion of murder, is being held without bail…

Libertine though it might seem, the party scene is governed by an unwritten code of conduct, said Devon Meyers, a friend of Mr. Lee who saw him a few days before he died. “There is still an understanding of consent and boundaries,” he said, adding that, if someone gets drunk and handsy, “they get excommunicated very quickly.”

…Mr. Momeni, the accused killer, was known to use drugs himself but wasn’t seen as part of the elite crowd… Acquaintances describe him as aloof and introverted, unlike his wealthy and glamorous sister, and prone to brood on the sidelines at parties….

Friends of Mr. Lee said he told them that he was casually sleeping with Ms. Momeni, 37. Before that, about three years ago, Mr. Lee, 43, was together with a woman that Mr. Momeni, 38, also had dated…

Mr. Lee… took ecstasy, ketamine, cocaine and attended all-night raves all around the world…

Once, a club offered to admit people for only $5 instead of $20 if they went in with no pants. Mr. Lee obliged…

Ms. Kerati, who met Mr. Lee at a private party in Acapulco, said that Mr. Lee had several girlfriends during that time and other women he was sleeping with, but that he was always respectful toward them….

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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