Top 10 traits of likable people

From ReadySetPsych:

Emotionally stable
Emotionally intelligent
A positive influence
Similar to others
Easy to read

* Sociable people are likable because they spend more time around people. More social interaction means more opportunities to make good impressions on others and form strong friendships.

Sociable people are also likable because they genuinely like being around others. This means that socializing makes them feel happier and more fulfilled, and a happier person is always more pleasant to be around than an unhappy one. If your friend joins you on a trip, it is much more enjoyable if they actually want to be there, after all.

* Likable people tend to be more emotionally stable. This means their moods tend to be more stable and consistent. They rarely fly off the handle and are not prone to mood swings. This is the type of person who is calm and collected, even in tough situations.

Emotionally stable people are liked because it is easier to predict their moods. It is easy to like someone who is able to stay level headed. This is the person that can help keep others calm in a crisis because of their stable demeanor.

* Likable people tend to be easy to read. This means that they are straightforward and easy to figure out. What you see is what you get. If they are excitable and flighty, they let you know it. If they are moody and shy, they are open about it. Even if they are not the most likable person in the world, you will like someone just that tad bit more if you can read them well.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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