#113 11-20-18 Why “Ally” Is The New Quisling

00:00 Ellen Pompeo on diverse hiring
25:00 Paul Ryan — political loser
29:00 Caddell: ‘Murdoch Sons’ ‘Need to Answer’ for Fox News Calling House for Dems While California Was Still Voting
32:00 Industrial strength electoral fraud in 2018 elections
35:00 Michigan College Cancels ‘The Vagina Monologues’ Because ‘Not All Women Have Vaginas’
44:00 DHS, DoJ Slam Judge’s Order to Let Illegal Migrants Apply for Asylum
49:00 Patrick Little banned from Gab.ai
1:00:00 Babylonian Hebrews talks about Jewish influence
1:04:00 Obama Suggests Trump Has ‘Racism’ and ‘Mommy Issues’
1:10:00 Chipotle offers to rehire manager who refused to serve black customers over ‘dine and dash’ concerns, citing new evidence
1:15:00 Tipping
1:22:00 Richard Spencer moves out of the AR echo chamber
1:38:00 Stefan Molyneux’s transition from anti-spanking activist to AR hero
1:50:00 Libertarianism as an adjunct to the Left
2:05:00 Western politics are exhausted, something like AR inevitable
2:23:00 Sheryl Sandberg’s saintly image in Silicon Valley is unravelling
3:00:00 Evolution
3:12:00 The Triumph of the Clap
3:20:12 Fahad (Iraqi Shia who lived in London for 12 years, Canada for 3, works in loss prevention) arrives tonight on our show from Edmonton.

* Neo-Nazis Are Organizing Secretive Paramilitary Training Across America

* Michigan College Cancels ‘The Vagina Monologues’ Because ‘Not All Women Have Vaginas’

* Obama Suggests Trump Has ‘Racism’ and ‘Mommy Issues’

* DHS, DoJ Slam Judge’s Order to Let Illegal Migrants Apply for Asylum

* Caddell: ‘Murdoch Sons’ ‘Need to Answer’ for Fox News Calling House for Dems While California Was Still Voting

* Z-Man: Kritocracy Then Chaos

* Brexit drama More

* Chipotle offers to rehire manager who refused to serve black customers over ‘dine and dash’ concerns, citing new evidence

* Cramer: Facebook’s stock would go up if COO Sheryl Sandberg departed

Facebook use causes depression.

* Sheryl Sandberg’s saintly image in Silicon Valley is unravelling

* With Facebook at ‘War,’ Zuckerberg Adopts More Aggressive Style

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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