Daily Beast Tries To Take Down Mike Cernovich

I think this is a disgusting piece. None of the quotes from Cernovich in this Lloyd Grove article are heinous. They strike me as within the range of normal and healthy opinion.

I am neither a Cernovich fan or detractor. I followed him for a while on Twitter, but tired of the self-promotion. So I rely on others to retweet him when he says something important, which does seem to be often.

It seems like the point of Daily Beast articles such as this is to shut down dissent. They will go to great lengths to destroy those who challenge the Narrative.

Daily Beast:

Why Did Fox News Welcome Date Rape Apologist Mike Cernovich?

As Roger Ailes’s sexual harassment scandal continues to unfold, Fox News is being forced to answer why Mike Cernovich was invited to be a guest on ‘Red Eye.’

…So some folks, especially conservative activists and pundits who are normally sympathetic to the Fox News brand, are expressing disbelief that male-centric blogger, Twitter troll and ardent Donald Trump fan Mike Cernovich was booked as a guest last week on the cable channel’s popular Red Eye show.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. He’s a nutcase,” said right-wing author and radio host Ben Shapiro. “Granting any legitimacy to a fringe kook like Mike Cernovich, and all of the attendant nastiness and problems, is close to insane by any cable network.”
“Are you serious?” asked Ben Howe, a writer and editor of the conservative blog RedState, when informed of Cernovich’s Fox News appearance. “He was a guest on fucking Red Eye? They’re giving this motherfucker legitimacy? Oh my god!”
A Fox News spokesperson said Red Eye’s producers didn’t know about their guest’s extensive Internet footprint and history of ugly online disputes (including with #NeverTrump pundits Shapiro and Howe). The spokesperson added that Cernovich isn’t a paid contributor, and won’t be invited back.
Yet Red Eye host Tom Shillue slathered Cernovich with on-air praise when he appeared on the 3 a.m. August 4 episode to fervently defend Trump and trash Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who has reluctantly endorsed the Republican presidential nominee, as a politician who “doesn’t care about America. He wants open borders. He’s a globalist.”

“I love this guy,” Tom Shillue told viewers. “Michael, can you be back here tomorrow night?”

< Shillue added: “I love the hell out of the guy, and we’re probably going out after the show and have drinks.”

Whether or not Shillue was aware of Cernovich’s gamey reputation, the 38-year-old non-practicing California lawyer—a self-described “radical free speech proponent,” and the author of Gorilla Mindset, a self-published self-help book promoting male empowerment—is famous to his 78,000-plus Twitter followers for his steady output of offensive and incendiary remarks, a veritable inferno of political incorrectness.

“Have you guys ever tried ‘raping’ a girl without using force?” he tweeted in August 2012. “Try it. It’s basically impossible. Date rape does not exist.”

More recently, last February, he tweeted: “Not being a slut is the only proven way to avoid AIDS. If you love black women, slut shame them.”

And last month, after five police officers were killed by a sniper during a Black Lives Matter protest in Texas, Cernovich tweeted: “The ‘alt-right’ hasn’t killed anyone, but #BlackLivesMatter regularly slaughters the innocent. Know the real threat. Think! ‪#Dallas.”

All the above are readily available to anybody with access to Cernovich’s Twitter feed.

Then there’s Cernovich’s blog, Danger & Play, in which he endorses various conspiracy theories (“The Orlando Shooter Did Not Act Alone”); muses about an “Expert Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s Physical and Mental Breakdown”; slams the “dishonest website called The Daily Beast”; calls out “16 Feminists Who Have Taken Over ‘Conservative’ Media”; and provides helpful hints on how to avoid being convicted of rape (apparently based on Cernovich’s own experience of beating a felony rape charge, by his own account, after a sexual encounter in college).

Avoid SJWs [Social Justice Warriors]. If a girl you’re on a date with expresses ideals similar to those expressed by social justice bullies, end the date. Stable, emotionally [sic] girls do not become social justice bullies. Smile, pay the bill, and leave immediately.”

*“Film it. Four Hofstra college students were accused of gang-raping a fellow student. They were thrown into jail, and held without bail. Had they gone to trial, they’d have been convicted.

Yet the men were released from prison, after one of the defendant’s lawyers produced a cell phone video of the encounter, proving it was consensual.

*“If the police call, don’t answer. Did you know that the police can lie to you? Did you know that the police will lie about what you tell them? Police will claim that you confessed to rape, even when you denied it to them. NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE.

It’s a dangerous world out there, guys. Be vigilant. Protect yourselves at all time [sic].”

A Fox News spokesperson told The Daily Beast that Cernovich “was a onetime guest…He has nothing to do with the Fox News Channel. The network has no plans to book him for a future appearance.”

Red Eye’s booking of Mike Cernovich is simply another ingredient in a toxic stew.
“That’s horrifying,” said conservative writer Bethany Mandel, who has also tangled with Cernovich on Twitter. “They should not be giving him any platform of legitimacy whatsoever. It’s a very troubling thing in a post-Ailes Fox.”
In a phone interview, the Los Angeles-based Cernovich told The Daily Beast that he was invited on Red Eye through a “college kid on Reddit” who heard the show was searching for a Trump supporter and recommended him.
Cernovich described the show’s preparation for his appearance—taped on the evening of August 3—as “pretty intense,” adding, “They sent me an email saying ‘here’s 10 articles were going to discuss,’ and when the camera goes on it’s almost live with no editing.”
He said he believes there should be no limits to what can and should be said in public discourse, even if it’s inflammatory or bigoted, and that he frequently tweets something outrageous “just to get a conversation going.”
His observations about sexual assault, he said, were from “a time when I had 40 Twitter followers, and we were talking about girls’ rape fantasies…It’s really hard to explain five years later without context. It looks like I’m advocating rape… People bring up tweets that I don’t even remember, and my general response is ‘I don’t know if I said it. I probably said it.’ It’s just part of what I do. People try to use it to discredit me. That’s just the game.”
Cernovich said his Red Eye appearance was a rousing success, but he acknowledged a return engagement is doubtful because “powerful haters sent emails [to Fox News] saying this person is persona non grata. My appearance went great, but it made a lot of people mad that I was allowed on TV.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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