Alt-Right Vs Alt-West

Vladimir emails:

1. Twitter. You mentioned recently that you thought that blogs were no longer fashionable but that Twitter is the way forward.

FYI, most of my acquaintances, 20,30,40 something hipsters and artsy-fartsy pseudo intellectuals, DESPISE twitter. Its even more crassly commercial than facebook. Now somebody like you who is trying to make money might need to buy-into twitter’s monetization policy based on “subscribers”, and possibly mimic people like #Trump or #Milo, but from our (the little people) perspective, Twitter sucks and isn’t worth our while. I personally don’t believe that twitter has a future, and isn’t nearly as interesting as facebook memes. And memes have a strong visual/ graphical component, which plain blog or tweet text just doesn’t have. Example extraordinaire: Pepe. Just sayin’.

2A. White Nationalism. I think that Milo is correct in emphasizing “western values” over “White Nationalism”. And by “Western Values” what should be specifically meant is “The Enlightenment”. Regardless of the ultimate fate of the Enlightenment, I believe that there is no better ground from which to fight. It transcends the bullshit privileging of identity groups of tribes, gender, nationality, religion, sexual perversion, etc. Trying to bring “balance” by trying to play “White Nationalism” as part of the identity politics game is just not going to work at all. Perhaps after Moshiach comes, when everyone says what they mean and mean what they say….

2B. White Women. There seems to be some kind of presumption among white nationalists that White men need to breed only with white women and white women need to be defended in some abstract way. The fact is that many problems that people of the alt.right normally identify can be laid at the feet of white women. The feminization and narcissization of culture, the demonization of masculinity and the deification of female narcissism, the privileging of gay and transgendered issues, gender politics versus economics. The loss of global dominance that the US experienced in the 1970’s (abandonment of the space program, energy independence, by nuclear power, advancement and use of robotics in US manufacturing) and the turn of the US from an outward/future orientation to an inward orientation is directly attributable to the women’s movement, which the Hillary campaign and the whole gay transgendered movement is a part of.

The fact is that modern western culture, science and industry was developed by White men, not white women. WHite men, as culture bearers, should be allowed the freedom to choose whatever women suit them and their objectives, regardless of race or nationality.

Most alpha males including successful international businessmen, now see white women as THE problem and not something that white men need to mindlessly protect. White men should seek out non-white or specifically non-western women as mates who can actually help them succeed in the world rather then be a cash drain due to alimony and child support, all in the cause of women’s rights and fighting patriarchy. A white male is better off marrying a mexican women or a vietnamese woman or even a Slovenian woman (Trump). This is more reason to abandon the “White Nationalism” terminology.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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