What If Hillary Drops Out?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* It’s too early for this. I don’t like all this talk of Hillary’s health. You can’t depend on your opponent dropping dead to win elections. Most of our attention should be focused on defeating her ideologically and demographically. Once the right wins, then we can discuss ways to make an example of her.

* The media could spend the last weeks saying: “Vote for Hillary anyway, and get the new DNC choice, who’s really great, trust us,” but that’s an impossible sell. It’d be like a website telling people to order the Galaxy 7 anyway, even though it’s being recalled, and they’ll just substitute a different model.

* If Hillary is removed for any reason, Tim Kaine will automatically advance to the top of the ticket, just as he would automatically advance to the presidency if he and Hillary had already been elected. The continuity of the ticket is precisely what the nomination process is there to ensure. If you’re voting Democrat in November, you aren’t just voting “Hillary for Prez!” and that’s that; you’re voting for the ticket that the party decided upon at the convention. I’m not sure why this simple fact isn’t sinking in with some people.

Thus, Tim Kaine will be temporarily in the catbird seat; he will have the right of first refusal. However, everyone, himself included, knows that he is not top-ticket material, so as a practical matter he will most likely cede that position to someone else. But in order for the Democrats to avoid a succession crisis, it is important that Tim Kaine stays on the ticket and that his acquiescence appear voluntary. Therefore Kaine will remain on as VP. If he does that, the party will accept whoever the new nominee is. The one thing that people cannot accept is the idea of someone just stepping in with no claim to the title. In that case men feel as if they are in the position of slaves and the political process loses its legitimacy.

Bernie will have no part in this. His loss in the primary election still registers psychologically as a loss, period. He is not a part of the ticket. Biden is the natural heir apparent, having been VP under Obama and a seasoned elder statesman in his own right.

* “story reporting that Clinton campaign ‘insiders’ state that she has ‘many talents’ but that staying hydrated is not one of them. She doesn’t drink enough water and this caused her recent problem!”

I actually find this plausible assuming she is incontinent and wearing a catheter and/or Depends. In those circumstances it seems reasonable (if risky) to try minimizing water consumption. I doubt dehydration is her only problem (and still want more detail released concerning her medical records), but I can see how dehydration would not help her response to other issues (making the dehydration statement a classic Clintonian “literally true” misdirection).

* The Deep State has always tried to play both sides of the street. Donald J. Trump is as much their pawn as Hillary. They know they need to pull the country back before it becomes completely unstable, and Trump is the “unifier” who can bring the forces of conservatism out of the woodwork again. I know, right now “Unifier” is the last thing that comes to mind with DJT, but that’s part of the subterfuge. Actually he is rousing the Silent Majority, those demoralized middle Americans who have been sullenly watching “their” country brought low by the de-stabilizing programs of the Left. They need these folks to become engaged again in the process, and Trump is unifying and energizing them.

As I said, the Deep State operates on both sides of the street, and they needed a reliable opponent for Trump, a stalking horse who would be a foil with a fatal flaw. Hillary is the perfect candidate. They know how fanatically ambitious she is, and given her head, she’d eventually throw herself on the pyre. She’s increasingly febrile, and the campaign trail is long and grueling, so they’ve pumped her up with plenty of money, and dangled the dream in front of her constantly. But anyone could see, at least now looking back, she had these disabilities. She’s very likely an epileptic. That stiff-as-a-board moment tumbling into the van in New York City on Sunday was bizarre, to say the least. The Zeiss Z1 blue sunglasses are the prescription for an epileptic.

Hillary’s candidacy now falls of its own weight. Trump is a shark, Hillary is a clown fish. He’ll have her for lunch in the debates. Trump holds presidential summit meetings with the President of Mexico, and Hillary collapses “from the heat” on a pleasant fall outing in NYC. Hillary and her defenders will become more and more shrill as the election looms closer, and they will begin to look smaller and smaller as Trumpism swells to sweep the country.

* The key part of how to think about this is who is crazy enough to get in the cage with Trump after Hillary staggers off mortally wounded?

Trump’s got a pretty good record, like 17-0 or something, on opponents in this election so far and really hasn’t ever broken a sweat yet.

* Antibiotics don’t fix seizures or her need to wear those blue tinted anti-seizure glasses.

It doesn’t address the fact she had two medics in attendance with her at the 9/11 memorial – the brunette pulse taker and the big black guy(aka: Mr. Epipen).

Add in the fact her staff wasn’t shocked by her having a seizure and not taking to a ER shows that it must be a common occurrence with her.

According to MD’s it points to neurological problems – probably Parkinsons.

She won’t get better and the drugs she’s taking do lose their effectiveness over time as the disease progresses. I think she is betting on them working well enough until election day.

If she bets wrong, she’s finished.

It will also be very interesting to see how she pulls off a debate Trump with her deteriorating condition.

* Well the nuclear option is always a daily 100mg+ dose of d-methamphetamine. Combine with high doses of diazepam to stop the crash and force sleep at the end of the day. Add in oxycodone to distract from any discomfort or pain related to whatever she has. That regiment could get a 90 lbs. terminal cancer patient to lead a punk rock group on a non-stop concert tour.

Well at least for a few months. After a 2 month binge, the patient’s body would be totally wrecked and plagued with serious dependency, withdrawal, and brain damage. That’s true for healthy young men, let alone a sick obese grandma. For that reason I doubt this route is considered anything except a last resort. But I’m pretty sure if Hillary *needs* to power through, modern pharmaceutical science has its ways.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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