The Fatal Jewish Flaw

Comment: With a black majority in the NFL, did anyone really not see this coming? Blacks protesting their poor downtroddeness and a Jew giving voice to their alleged suffering? Does this not fit the Template?

And as in everything else it reforms, “the touch that turns everything to shit” will destroy the NFL. This is what I meant when I commented that blacks and Jews destroy everything they touch whether it be neighborhoods, financial markets, the Soviet Union or American social concord. Why is that?

I, personally, can’t stand incompetence. Of blacks I expect little else, they are perennial misfits. My bone to pick with Jews is not with their intelligence or any of their other alleged inadequacies, but with their nincompoopery. They ruin everything they succeed in. Some people see this as deliberate wrecking but I give them the benefit of the doubt and presume it is from some terrible blind spot in the middle of their field of vision.

They are fatally flawed in the Greek Tragedy sense. Give them the lead role and they, through arrogance and excessive self regard, blunder badly. Misfortune follows and they stumble about on stage, crying out to the audience, Gods and Chorus for pity and for guidance in perceiving where to turn, what to do next.

Because they can’t distance themselves from themselves, can’t hold a mirror up to themselves or fly above themselves and regard themselves impersonally from a great height, they can’t see that it is their very character with its strengths which is the cause of their own misfortune.

It is relevant in this context to note that the image or icon of a transcendent Bird plays little role in Jewish mythology (other than Noah’s raven). Virtually every civilization worshiped a bird of one sort or another as a symbol of transcendent foresight. For the Greeks, augury was the seer’s art of reading the future as interpreted in the flight of cranes and hawks. From it’s great heights, the bird sees the big picture whereas for man, what lies beyond the next turn in the road is hidden and so the man who is deficient in transcendental oversight must try to foretell his future by working out the chain of events implicit in the unfolding of his own character in the world. He must, “Know Thyself”.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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