Rare Heterosexual BLM Leader Found Murdered

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Seals was a controversial figure in the police accountability movement. “He had and has a lot of views that many people regard to be sexist, misogynist and homophobic,” said Bynes, the protester and former committeewoman. “Many people felt like he spewed hate.”

In a Twitter post last year, Seals wrote: “#BlackLivesMatter is a gay/feminist movement not a black movement they are not ‘leaders’ they’re thieves who exploited the work of black ppl.”

The high-profile Black Lives Matter activists that Seals lambasted mourned his death via Twitter on Tuesday in restrained tones. Several of them referenced his death without using his name, a striking choice for members of a movement that uses “Say her name” and “Say his name” as rallying cries.

* People like George Soros, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton meet the leaders of Black Lives Matter and instantly recognize them as LGBTQ Studies majors. So they figure, How much violence can a bunch of narcissistic homosexual pseudo-intellectuals cause? But what Soros, Obama, and Clinton didn’t realize was that down on the streets it’s very very different. So now we’re headed toward maybe a 1,000 incremental homicides since Ferguson.

* Seals, BLM, and their allies roughly doubled St. Louis’s murder rate.

So there is about a 50/50 chance that Seals would be alive today if not for Seals, BLM, and their allies.

* Getting to the bottom of black men’s issues with police would surely bring about some very inconvenient facts.

For example, who is most likely to call the cops on a black male? I bet it’s black females. Very touchy issue there. I’ve lived around blacks for most of my life, and I’ve seen more of them hauled off for domestic disputes than anything else. I’ve also spent time in family court, and I remember the line for guys who were in for DV or associated issues. Very black line for a city that’s less than 10% black.

To be sure, this is a problem for white guys, too, but blacks get hammered out of all proportion to their numbers and in all likelihood their behavior as well. They are treated like slaves in family court. I’m not trying to defend people who beat the crap out of family members, but I can assure readers here that black men are routinely railroaded by family court. Many of the worst real police abuses involve these types of situations. Actually, seeing black women involved as leaders in BLM would be very insulting to me if I were a black male. I’ve seen so many instances of black women using the cops to discard their kids’ fathers that it strikes me as sheer opportunism.

Personally, I think the most effective outreach Trump could make to black America would be to promise black men that they will be given the opportunity to be fathers if they make an effort. He should really stress the black fatherhood issue and address the fact that the American system often does discriminate against black men in family matters — often in a very brutal, shameful manner. That was essentially Mark Twain’s point when he wrote Huckleberry Finn, after all, and that was a righteous book.

Of course, that would mean alienating feminists, but they were never going to vote for anyone other than Hillary anyway.

* To be killed in that manner suggests that Seals was a police informant.

* Most progressives (and conservatives, too) are completely ignorant of what the culture of low income black communities is actually like – they think it’s a bunch of earnest strivers who despite occasional setbacks like arrests or the birth of a child, are basically like white middle class people in their values and aspirations. Remove the police from their neighborhoods and provide affirmative action and they will be productive citizens who will never get crosswise with the law.

The actual reality is that the culture/values system is about as far from that of the SJWs as can be imagined in our country. When someone is upset or slighted about something in the neighborhood, they don’t convene a forum to discuss it and wag their fingers in lieu of clapping for approval – they immediately threaten violence as a means of preserving status, and often follow through on it. Despite the image of the strong black woman, women are generally treated as objects for sexual gratification, not as peers or potential lifelong mates. Littering wherever is convenient is fine, although cars are meticulously washed on a regular basis. In general, there is a level of disorder that is tolerated that would be completely alien to most of the country, and the spinoff effects of this are just shrugged at by the majority in the community.

The left doesn’t know what it has unleashed with its stoking of black resentment and de-policing of the most violent parts of our country.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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