Joshua Seidel & The Alt-Right

A Jewish friend says: “I agree that Jews can’t be a part of White Nationalism (unless they have white parents) but they can certainly be alt-right influenced.”

Another Jewish friend says: “I am beyond such concerns. Time to think of how to form shifting coalitions with various racial groups to divide them so that they do not unite against the White Race.”

Joshua Seidel published a piece in the Forward last week: “I’m a Jew, and I’m a Member of the Alt-Right.

He got some responses on Twitter:

* Jews are the enemy and will never be accepted

* JS: By who? A few kids on the internet? You need to step up or you won’t be a real part of this.

* Did you miss all of Dr. MacDonald’s appearances at our conferences?

* JS: Let’s say Macdonald is 100% right, doesn’t mean a person can’t be an outlier, or overcome “genetics”.

* Sure, but the fact that a Jew wants to join an overwhelmingly anti-Jewish movement is a little suspect, don’t you think?

* JS: Of course, but I don’t really want to “join”, anything. I just want to tell the truth. It doesn’t matter if I “join”.

* If you don’t want to “join” anything then why use #AltRight and #Altjew in your bio?

* JS: It’s what I am ideologically. Many altright may hate Jews, but it’s not a necessary part of alt right ideology.

* The overwhelming majority of the Alt-Right is Anti-Semitic. You’re delusional if you think otherwise.

* JS: Even if that’s true it doesn’t matter, and it’s always what they say about right wing movements.

* It matters for you. Now that you’ve identified as a Jew everything you say will be suspect… Nobody wants a lecture from a kike.

* Fuck off and subvert some other burgeoning political movement. You aren’t welcome here oven dodger. Why associate with one of the few existing political movements that wants nothing better than to throw you into an oven?

* JS: Because I understand why they would be so angry. Look, more Muslims hate Jews than any other group, are they altright? If you simply define it by hating Jews, than a lot of the top people aren’t members.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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