“Blacks Activists Don’t Ignore Crime”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* In other words, while “Black Activists Don’t Ignore Crime,” the national media, the Justice Department, and the Soros Foundation do ignore black activists who don’t ignore black on black crime the way their beloved Black Lives Matter ignores it.

* “They protest violence, testify at city council hearings, press for gun-control reform and collaborate with politicians, faith-based organizations and, yes, even the police.”

Everything but get married and raise kids to respect the police.

* This is how you know Black Lies Matter was built on a hatred of White people more so than stopping police brutality, this organization has not expanded to racially homogeneous Black nations like Nigeria and Senegal for example.

I have an extremely hard time believing that police brutality does not occur in racially homogeneous Negro nations.

Where is the Sub Saharan African chapter of Black Lives Matter?

Blacks just don’t get as angry and don’t feel the need to riot at the sight of Black police officers gunning down Black civilians.

* “White crime victims are generally victimized by whites.”

* Depends on the crime. Petty theft? Yes. Armed robbery? No.

* True, but Black on White crime is nothing to sneeze at either. It is by far the most common type of interracial crime in America.

Just do a Google search on Black on White crime and you will see a shitload of examples pop up on legitimate local news sites. You don’t have to go to fringe sites like Stormfront to find such examples.

Youtube also has plenty of examples of Black on White crime.

* Not in the largest American cities outside of simple assault/battery. I have never met someone who has been robbed by a white guy in Chicago. Or shot by a white guy. Or stabbed by a white guy. Or…

Then again, I am youngish and it seems that many of the bad whites were priced out of Chicago at least half a generation ago.

* I think it was Charles Barkley who said in his personal life he knows Black people who were murdered by other Blacks, but does not personally know a single Black who was murdered by a White person.

* Another interesting new development with Black Lives Matter is that it has allied itself with Palestinians and against Israel — sort of like what happened with black activists in the late ’60s.

A couple of months ago, Mark Suster, a Jewish venture capitalist in Los Angeles, wrote an essay in support of Black Lives Matter.

So I brought this new development to his attention.

* Corey Booker played college football, which may have had something to do with his choice to go to Stanford. I’d be surprised if he had applied to Harvard and gotten rejected. He is also a Rhodes Scholar and has a law degree from Yale. I wouldn’t be so sure he’s less intelligent than Obama.

Both are pretty conventional Democrats (neither has any original political ideas), and both have a “black preacher” rhetorical mode, though Obama carries his off a bit more confidently. The guy who runs the Richard Nixon account on Twitter quipped during the DNC that Booker talks like a black from the suburbs pretending to sound like an urban preacher, or something to that effect.

The two main differences between Booker and Obama are:

– Obama ran for president before his act got stale, 4 years after his big speech at the 2004 DNC, and 2 years after getting elected to the US Senate. In contrast, Booker was in Newark long enough for everyone to realize he had no magic (not that Obama would have done any better as mayor of Newark).

– Booker doesn’t have a chip on his shoulder like Obama has due to his Muslim/exotic background. Booker is a conventional, if extremely high-achieving, upper middle class African American (his parents were IBM execs).

* I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a local crime beat website/newspaper. Just run down the daily local crime stories and court decisions, but making sure to always note the name, race, age, and sex of the offender, and the name, age, race, and sex of the victim.

I’m sure that wouldn’t make this whiny professional black call me racist and evil, get me credible death threats, and make every Lefty march in protest against me.

* BLM’s juices get flowing when the violence is non-black law enforcement officer on black body.

Sure, a few BLM activist claim they don’t ignore garden variety black on black violence, but they certainly don’t get loud about it.

* It would have been a real coup for BLM if they could’ve gotten Omar Mateen’s dad to wear one of their t-shirts at the Hillary rally.

* grass-roots organizations — many of which were founded by bereaved black women — are doing remarkable work to prevent and reduce crime.

Isn’t the time to get excited about crime BEFORE your son is dead? Talk about closing the barn door after the horse is gone.

These organizations may gather up some government grants but they do nothing to actually reduce crime. A REAL grass roots organization would involve young black men and their (in reality almost always absent) fathers, not their grieving mamas who were powerless over their gentle giants in the first place.

* People at the grass roots organize themselves against crime and the results are what? There’s been endless anti-violence marches in Chicago that garner media time but which do nothing. Only the police are in a position to act on it. In the white areas it usually boils down to lobbying for more police being assigned there. The black groups, often led by reverends, usually try to hit the holy grail of organizing which hopefully will culminate in a government grant and money contributed by goodwhites; send mo’ money. Meanwhile, seven dead and eleven wounded just on Monday in Chicago. The organizers and activists don’t seem to have been very effective in preventing anything. Perhaps Miller could “study” that and get back to us on why they are so lame.


Man kills stranger on his way to murder witness, BSO says


He was already on his way to murder someone, deputies said, but a fit of rage raised the death toll to two.

Broward Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested Pompano Beach’s Clarck Paul, 28, on Saturday and charged him with the murder of two men. Officials said the two shootings were 35 minutes apart.

The first shooting happened around 10:30 p.m. Friday night, deputies said. They arrived to find Carlos Javier Francisco Senluis, 25, bleeding in his red 2010 Nissan. His passenger was OK. Senluis died at Broward Health North that night.

Paul was provoked to shoot the stranger when the headlights of Senluis’ car, headed north along Southwest 11th Avenue near Southwest 14 Street, shone too brightly in his eyes. So, deputies said, he shot him.

While the crime scene was still fresh, deputies said, Paul made his way to his intended target, Lamont Smalls, 22. Smalls, a witness in an ongoing attempted murder investigation in which Paul is a person of interest, was sitting outside his home when he was shot.

* Fundamentally, we have to recognize BLM as a black supremacist, semi-terrorist organization. There really is no getting around this. Then, given the tacit and overt support given BLM by media and political elites, among others, we have to acknowledge that this country is simply not ours anymore. Where do we go from here?

* Back up and understand the context of the situation. Pointing out that the most dangerous thing to a black person isn’t the cops but fellow blacks isn’t done to cuck for blacks, but rather expose the phoniness of the black activists and white liberals who claim to care about black lives.

* The whole black view of crime and order, including BLM, is an act of veiled flattery towards whites. Only whites (and, occasionally, honorary whites) have agency. Blacks who kill other blacks are somehow acting out some aspect of a broken society under white supremacy – they’re forced by circumstance to engage in all manner of illegal behavior and gunplay. So black on black violence and murder (really, any black on anyone violence) is the fault of whites. The police are overwhelmingly white (and blacks, Hispanics, etc. on the police force are honorary whites, together with “white Hispanic” civilians like Zimmerman) and therefore have agency. Thus, cops killing blacks (justifiably or no) is the fault of whites.

It’s evident when the mother of a black victim gets license to make political pronouncements – the focus is always to address “root causes” like white people legally owning guns and to funnel government largesse to the Pastors or various government schemes liable to graft rather than calls for punishment of the perpetrator and/or calls for more aggressive policing and incarceration.

* Black Lives Matter can find time to make silly statements about Israel/Palestine, but for some reason it can’t find time to talk about the pervasiveness of black criminality.

* What’s amazing is that seemingly no BLM activists have anything to say about high black intraracial violence. All they would have to do is make some token boilerplate statements about how high crime rates are the unfortunate legacy of slavery and what we need is more g̶i̶b̶s̶m̶e̶d̶a̶t̶ investment in education and job training programs, and they’d protect their rhetorical right flank from people like Giuliani much better. Instead, they steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the existence, even in highly coded terms, of black crime.

* Male authority figures matter. Additionally, if a kid’s dad is in jail, that’s that kid’s authority figure. It’s difficult if not impossible to fulfill that role from behind plexiglass, and in empathy to the incarcerated father, it’s also difficult to muster the will to even try after being reamed in the behind by your cell mates. It’s hard to have a “heart-to-heart” talk with your visiting son if your buttocks is oozing blood, or worse, from a forced homosexual encounter from the day before.

Furthermore, boys being under their mother’s thumb exclusively tends to produce “man-girls” as they go forward past puberty. Self-indulgent, narcissistic, lack of empathy: essentially “mean girls” with additional testosterone adding to their confusion.

Think of an obstinate 14 year old girl. Think of her intellectual and emotional life. Now think of that 14 year old girly brain transferred into a 20-something year old’s black man’s body, and black male pathology not only makes sense, it’s extremely predictable.

A significant number of black men are really “Mean Girls.”

* While certainly it would be cowardly to refuse to point out the reality that, proportionately, blacks are far more likely to be the perpetrators of interracial violence than the victims, when BLM is predicated on the implicit notion that the greatest threat to black lives are nonblacks and cops, there is nothing “cuckish” about mentioning black on black crime. Mentioning black on white crime to a BLM activist might be “non-cucked” but it would also be ineffective since the vast majority of BLMers obviously don’t care about whites. Pointing out their hypocrisy is, in my view, the most effective solution, and that is best accomplished by pointing to intraracial black crime. Because anyone who truly cared about black lives would focus more energy on getting the cops to neutralize violent blacks than on protesting black lives lost at the hands of police, the vast majority of which are lost due primarily to the poor choices of the deceased.

* Media types sometimes whine about “dead pretty white girls” getting attention. Well, this only happens if the suspect looks like Scott Peterson or Joran Van der Sloot, or even Casey Anthony.

* This is true, but it’s also true that Lacy Peterson, Natalie Holloway and similar died doing lawful, peaceful, typically middle class things in seemingly safe, middle class places. They’re simply more relatable to a large section of core America and therefore viewer interest (and with it ad dollars) is maximized by covering these stories out of proportion to their frequency and significance compared with other newsworthy items. Plenty of bright, promising (at least in their parents’ esteem) middle class white girls go on Spring Break with their friends at a foreign tropical resort, and plenty of middle class white girls marry their dream man and get pregnant before discovering he’s a cheating cad with a dark side. These stories play on middle class anxieties and fears. A murdered black prostitute or 14 year old black boy out on the street at 1 a.m. on a Wednesday night caught in an exchange of gang-related gun fire just don’t resonate with middle class white news consumers. The relative lack of interest I think has a lot to do with the fact that they can’t really see their sons and daughters caught up in similar situations.

That said, I think this might also be due to an increasing divergence of media consumption and viewership patters between whites and blacks. Media is more decentralized and diffuse than ever before, and blacks now have their own media and news designed to appeal narrowly to blacks (and not whites) so it stands to reason that matters of concern to blacks would not get excessive coverage if blacks aren’t watching those shows anyway.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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