3 officers shot dead in Baton Rouge

Washington Post.

President Obama held a townhall meeting Friday in support of Black Lives Matter.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* “Because of the history of our country and because of the images we receive when we’re growing up, et cetera, oftentimes there’s a presumption that black men are dangerous, so that has to be worked through,” Mr. Obama said during the town hall-style conversation, which was aired by ABC.

If the images we received while growing up were really the thing, then we’d expect blacks to all be rocket surgeons, computer geniuses, saints, judges, police captains, generals, presidents, God, etc. Hey, maybe that’s the problem; the whitewashing leftist corporate media fills whites with high expectations for blacks, and when they turn out to just be knuckleheads, we find them disappointing.

Or maybe Hussein was referring to the images received by non-blacks who grow up cheek-to-jowl with large black populations, images which contrast sharply with those propagated in the LCM.

BLM could have cleared this up right from the start, given a modicum of introspection, by adding “Too” to the end of their title. “Black Lives Matter Too” would make the supposed meaning pretty clear (and it elicits more sympathy). But then black nationalist racists couldn’t chant it and ignore the implied “too”; they couldn’t think “Black Lives Matter, and the rest don’t,” because their slogan would explicitly contradict their interpretation. It would have lost the wink-wink double utility, its differing meaning for genuine civil rights activists on one hand, and racist black nationalists on the other.

* I didn’t watch it, because I knew it would be a transparently false propaganda event. I did, however, shout various obscenities, vulgarities, and uncouth epithets at the television during the promos on the ABC newscast.

When we have mandatory two-way “telescreens” like in 1984, I won’t be able to do that anymore, and then of course I’ll have to watch it and applaud.

* It’s unbelievable to me that Obama spoke at the memorial service for the cops in Dallas. That’s like having Hitler speak at a holocaust memorial.

One of the side goals of all this is to have fewer white cops.

* As to the “people of color” nonsense, nobody ever moves to a “people of color’ neighborhood,unless you want to get your white ass robbed regularly at the intersection of Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. and Malcolm X Avenue.

* Notice that law-abiding Blacks are having their hostility directed towards the police for hassling them, rather than the true source of the problem: the Black criminals that have established the stereotype. Conveniently, this leads to calls for the police to change, not the Black community.

* “The phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ simply refers to the notion that there’s a specific vulnerability for African-Americans that needs to be addressed,” Mr. Obama said. “It’s not meant to suggest that other lives don’t matter; it’s to suggest that other folks aren’t experiencing this particular vulnerability.”

This is the one aspect of BLM that is correct. It is a problem specific to the black community and stating Black Lives Matter is merely to draw attention to this fact – to refer to the cartoon about this issue going around, it’s like saying “my house is on fire” when it is, indeed, burning. It doesn’t mean other houses don’t matter. They just aren’t burning now. SO, there is nothing wrong with drawing special attention tot he burning house and ignoring the others.

Of course, everything else BLM claims is tragically wrong. To continue with the burning house analogy, the BLM solution is to stupidly attack the firemen. Because they happen to be around when a fire occurs, they do stuff like breaking down doors with axes, etc. The fires are their fault. Let’s attack the firemen, harass them, and keep them from doing their job. Will more people die of fires then? Too bad. Let’s overlook the pattern of falling asleep high with a lit cigarette dropped in a pile of newspapers lying on the shag carpet, nothing can be done about that.

If BLM and its supporters were actual leaders on this issue, they would keep it real and focus on crime and its causes, such as broken homes, glorification of antisocial behavior in the subculture, tolerance and coddling of criminals, and yes some longstanding legacy of racism and oppression. But doing that is hard, it’s much easier to demonize the cops who have nothing to do with the problem, other than fixing its consequences.

* You’re wrong, because there is no “specific vulnerability” of blacks to police violence. Except in the sense that they’re more likely to commit crimes, but that’s not the vulnerability Obama’s wants to talk about. They want to talk about bad feelz.

It’s not that they’re saying their house is on fire. They’re saying they have a garage full of oily rags, which means a fire at their house is intrinsically more dangerous than the fire at the white next door neighbor’s. But they don’t have oily rags. Someone made that up.

* My perception is that there’s an enormous amount of regional and local variation in the extent that the cops pull people over.

The only time I ever got a speeding ticket was for going flagrantly over the speed limit on a road known for deadly car accidents.

Yet I know people who live in different areas of the country who say that cops frequently pull people over for minor traffic violations that don’t pose any sort of safety risk. It’s just the way the local government is funded.

This leads to blacks feeling persecuted, because they know from conventional wisdom that it’s pretty rare to get pulled over, but they happen to live in a speed trap/ticket mill area where it’s very common.

It’s an example of the tendency of white people to just suck it up and accept unfair treatment backfiring, because it just leads to blacks feeling like they’re getting a unique raw deal from society.

* As I recall, the reason Trayvon was staying with his father in Orlando was that his mother couldn’t handle the young thug in Miami where she and Trayvon lived and asked her former husband to take Trayvon off her hands. It’s interesting that these young blacks who get killed in one of these high-profile cases are worth more to their parents dead than alive. I believe the City of Baltimore conferred $6.5 million on the parents of Freddy Gray, which is a hell of a lot more than that drug hustler could have made in his lifetime even if he lived to 100. I wonder if Hillary has hit on Trayvon’s mom to make a donation to the Clinton Foundation.

* All of the pro-BLM politicians and media commentators try to put some “equality” in their remarks by saying that they are saddened by the deaths of Alton Sterling, Philandro Castile, and 5 Dallas Police Officers. Sad and telling that Sterling and Castile are acknowledged as individual named human beings and the 5 Police Officers merely acknowledged by their employment, no mention, never any mention, of the their individual names or personhood. That tells me something.

* BLM is best understood as an anti-white movement to both induce white guilt, and energize black turnout for the Democrats. Under the rules of the Narrative, any white resistance to insane SJW ideas is automatically the worst secular sin possible.

Think of it like when Jack Straw said he was going to rub the right’s nose in diversity. BLM both agitates and humiliates. You can’t negotiate with them, you can only hope they either burn out or enough of their supporters jump the shark on being anti-white.

* What’s happening now with the Democratic party is the same thing that happened to the MSM after the advent of Fox News and the online conservative media. Now that Trump is clearly standing up for white Americans in a way no candidate has since Reagan (“Cadillac driving welfare queens,” anyone? What a phrase), the Democrats are losing white voters at the margin and must explicitly become the black party (or minority, as Steve pointed out they would prefer) to make up for lost whites. In reality, the Democrats have been the black /minority party for a long time, but until now a lot of working class and socially conservative whites were either stupid enough not to know it or thought Democrats’ unionism was more important. Those marginal whites are being lost because there is an explicit alternative, so Democrats must double down in such a way that the mask slips.

Similarly, when Fox News provided an explicitly conservative alternative to the MSM, the MSM lost all pretense of being neutral starting ~2003. Most people now understand that considering NBC, CBS, or ABC’s news divisions unbiased is laughable because they are so nakedly partisan. Back in the ’90s, when they could be more subtle with their misdirection because there was no alternative, there was a much more compelling appearance of neutrality among the MSM.

The Sailer strategy would have exploited this dynamic a decade ago but the GOPe was too corrupt and stupid to realize it. The underlying forces are so powerful that the Democrats-as-black-party is now coming about of its own inertia.

* I would guess that I am not alone in thinking that I no longer give a flying f**k what our stuttering, jumped-up, talentless, non-entity of a “President” thinks. Clearly, having as chief executive of your county a guy who despises that country is a bad idea. And Barack Obama clearly hates the actual, existing country known as the U.S.A.

* Very true; lived in Southern California for 15 years, chances of getting traffic ticket was fairly moderate. Now I am in Portland, Oregon, on the West side (of the Willamette river) for over 10 years now. I read about police shootings on East side all the time; but the only time I see police or sheriff here is when there are accidents or other emergencies. Zero interest in ticketing for money. Secret – West side is wealthier and tax receipts are plentiful (We are a different county). I think a lot of aggressive enforcement is just hunger for money. I speed just like anyone else but the only ticket I got was from a camera.

* The last “Law & Order” episode I came across was while channel surfing. It was a rerun with a Jeffrey Dahmer-esque character who was (of course) a *straight man* who murdered and ate his victims. The character was played (ironically) by Neil Patrick Harris, before he came out of the closet.

* “growing up the black son of a single mother”

That does sound better than “growing up the black son of a randy drunken African bigamist who hightailed it out of town when I was born.”

* If the local government has to fund itself via traffic tickets, that means it doesn’t have a viable tax base. And it if doesn’t have a tax base, it means the majority of the residents are on welfare, and they’re a massive draw on the resources of the local government.

If the residents would bother to get jobs, then no one would have to use excessive ticket-issuing to raise revenue. It’s the residents’ fault, pure and simple. You can’t pay for services on absolutely nothing. Those traffic tickets black whine and complain about are helping fund the welfare that blacks live on.

* Oh stop clutching your panties. The minute Trump does something you don’t like, it doesn’t mean that he has “betrayed” you. If Trump is elected, between now and the end of his term(s) he will “betray” you a thousand times (because that’s what real world politics, as opposed to “ruling” from your mother’s basement, is like) but he will still be a million times better than Hillary, so all of you, stop with the prima donna nonsense and pull the lever for Trump in November or you will live to regret it.

* To Obama, the American people are “The Other.” He wants us to embrace The Other–the LGBTs, the Syrian refugees, Mexican illegals, the ghetto blacks–because “that’s who we are.” But those groups, who represent the fringe to most of us, are actually the people with whom Obama is comfortable. It’s core America that makes him queasy.

When I worked in an ad agency, a new creative director was brought in. With her came a handful of cronies from her previous job, and some people at our agency were laid off to make room for them. Okay, I could understand that, she needed some of her friends around and the people who were laid off were dead wood. However, as time went by, the lay-offs continued and she was bringing in people to whom she had no previous connection. I realized it wasn’t enough that we hold-overs were doing a good job, she could never be comfortable with us. We had been there before she arrived, had some institutional memory, knew how things had been done, might question her judgment and leadership. To her, it was better to bring in fresh new people who would be beholding to her and unable to compare her leadership to what we had previously.

I mention this because that’s what Obama and the open-borders crowd want for this country.

* According to David Maraniss’s huge, sympathetic biography, Obama didn’t have any close black friends through age 24.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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