Why Was Trump Silent On Dallas?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I’m kind of inclined to think that Trump’s choice of Pence is probably a good one, not so much because of anything in particular about Pence’s positions, but because he seems pretty well entrenched in the Establishment.

Now that may seem like a terrible attribute. But one has to bear in mind the greatest single problem Trump faces in this election: he is perceived as a wild man.

What Trump needs to do from here on out, most importantly, is to look as if he can be trusted to be measured in his approach to problems when the stakes and risks are high. Showing that he will be willing to consult others with experience in such situations is key. Also key is a demonstrated ability to compromise as the situation may demand.

Nobody is going to fail to vote for Trump because he isn’t wild or outspoken enough.

I think the general level of self-restraint Trump has displayed in recent days is exactly the path he needs to take.

I have zero fear that Trump is actually going to back down on the most essential elements of his candidacy, such as his aim to stop illegal immigration and carefully control legal immigration. Why would he? I just don’t see a reason or a person or a group of people who would persuade him otherwise.

* First of all, you’ll notice that Trump was strangely silent about Dallas, less silent about Nice – this was due to his desire not to get tangled up in America’s racial tar-baby – who needs that mess? Most white people don’t actually need reminding about black dysfunctionality and anything he said would be used as a lever by Hillary to scare nice white women away from voting for that tewwible racist.

Trump already has his base. Conversely, he is never going to get blacks and hard leftists to vote for him. What he needs to do now is persuade swing voters in the middle such as married white women, conservative Christians, etc. that he is not really the devil that he is painted to be in the MSM but within the realm of “acceptable” candidates. People already hate and distrust Hillary so her only chance to win is to show that Trump is a totally unacceptable alternative and Hillary is the only viable candidate. Not the usual situation where you have 2 candidates and you should consider Hillary to be the better one, but that you really only have 1 choice because the other guy is a madman. This is the current Jornolist party line and you will see a million stories like that from now until November – S. Ct. Justice says that Trump is nuts, the Foreign Minister of Lower Slobovia says that Trump is a madman with whom the EU could never deal, esteemed professor says that Trump is evil and unlike any Presidential candidate in American history, etc. etc. ad nauseum. So Trump’s job (and it’s really not a hard one) is to keep his mouth shut somewhat (not totally – he still has to appear as “Trump” to some extent, but not over the top) and appear reasonably Presidential and he can beat the highly damaged goods named Hillary.

* Third world immigrants, even terrorists, pose very little threat to the status of the organizations that you identify. Organized white groups, on the other hand, might have the real power to remove them from their positions of influence. That’s why most of the response is directed against any white indigenous response–it’s all too likely to be eventually directed at the elites.

* New Sailer indicator for Islam terrorism: Passive voice headline.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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