Monthly Archives: September 2024

Nobody Runs Society

Philosopher Michael Huemer writes Sep. 7: * While Joe Biden was still running for President, people were saying that he was a puppet, controlled by some other forces. A popular theory on the right is that this was “Obama’s third … Continue reading

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Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper & The Alt Right Addiction To Contrarianism (9-4-24)

01:00 Tucker Promotes Holocaust Revisionism, Tucker promotes Hitler apologist, John Podhoretz vs Tucker Carlson, John Podhoretz apologizes for launching Tucker’s career at the Weekly Standard32:00 Tabletmag: I Was Raped Because I Am Jewish, Kip joins to … Continue reading

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Why Does Liberalism Fuel Mental Illness? (9-3-24)

01:00 Will the 60 day Harris honeymoon begin to fade: Byron York on the state of the 2024 election, Bret Baier: The Harris campaign – Looking toward to the 9/10 debate and will there be a second one? … Continue reading

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This is why you’re not popular

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What’s The Matter With Kamala? (9-1-24)

01:00 What’s the matter with Kamala? China & Russia & Iran, oh my! Weighing the threat with David Goldman, Imposter Syndrome: Why you have it & How to Overcome it18:00 6 Signs You Might Have Impostor Syndrome22:00 When … Continue reading

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