Daily Archives: September 28, 2024

Ringmaster: Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America

Abraham Riesman (a male to female trans) writes in this 2022 book: There is no art form more intrinsically and blatantly American — in its casual violence, its bombastic braggadocio, its virulent jingoism, its populist defiance of respectability, and its … Continue reading

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Connie: A Memoir

Connie Chung writes in this 2024 book: * I didn’t start out wanting to be a guy. But in the late 1960s, when I broke into the overwhelmingly male – dominated television news business, all I saw around me was … Continue reading

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The President Of Talk Radio

Robert E. Brown writes in 2017: Remove the content from Limbaugh and what is striking is the anger. Anger is the sex of talk-radio, and sex sells. In the jargon of talk radio, there are monsters—tabloidhot news monsters. The author … Continue reading

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The Myth Of Morality

Richard Joyce writes in this 2007 book: * We have evolved to categorize aspects of the world using moral concepts. Natural selection has provided us with a tendency to invest the world with values that it does not contain, demands … Continue reading

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Optimally Irrational: The Good Reasons We Behave The Way We Do

Lionel Page wrote in this 2022 book: * Humans are equipped with the most complex language among all animals on earth. It allows us to communicate our knowledge and ideas to others. But human communication does not take the form … Continue reading

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