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Daily Archives: January 10, 2024
Tunnelers of the Soul & Decoding Douglas Murray (1-10-24)
01:00 NYT: Secret Synagogue Tunnel Sets Off Altercation That Leads to 9 Arrests, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=15388005:00 Why the Chabad tunnels? https://forward.com/fast-forward/575646/chabad-lubavitch-headquarters-770-tunnel-rebbe-messiah/06:00 770 Chabad altercation, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/09/nyregion/tunnel-synagogue-chabad-lubavitch.html08:00 Tunnels talk fuels anti-semitism, https://forward.com/opinion/575722/chabad-tunnels-antisemitism-twitter/11:00 Tunnels news, https://forward.com/fast-forward/575646/chabad-lubavitch-headquarters-770-tunnel-rebbe-messiah/42:45 Israel’s War, Biden’s War | Robert Wright & Stephen … Continue reading
Posted in Chabad
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NYT: Secret Synagogue Tunnel Sets Off Altercation That Leads to 9 Arrests
Most of the time that religion is in the news, it looks terrible. This is one of those times. The New York Times reports: A decades-old fight about the direction of one of New York’s most prominent Hasidic Jewish groups … Continue reading