Monthly Archives: March 2023

Departments on the Defensive

From the New York Review: * Academic criticism can thus be regarded as an innovation of the 1920s, like the lie detector, water skiing, the timed traffic light, and the bread slicer. * the pitched battles over curriculum and methodology … Continue reading

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Bloody Panico

Geoffrey Wheatcroft writes in the New York Review: * 2022 will be remembered as the year of two monarchs and three prime ministers, not to mention four chancellors of the exchequer, five education secretaries, and more than thirty resignations from … Continue reading

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Chekhov – The Master of Concealment

From the April 6, 2023 New York Review of Books: How straightforward Chekhov stories seem, and yet how strangely moving. Like the soul as he understood it, they appear simple but are profoundly mysterious. In her splendid book Reading Chekhov … Continue reading

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LA Marathon Finish

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Oxytocin Is Pretty Racist (3-19-23)

01:00 Maybe the sheep know something? 05:00 Trump is king 08:00 Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect, 18:40 Why do people seek out pain? For meaning, connection and identity, 25:00 What People Still Don’t Get About … Continue reading

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