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Daily Archives: February 16, 2023
Breaking News: Second Jewish Man Shot In Pico-Robertson (2-16-23)
01:30 Two Jewish men shot in L.A.’s Pico-Robertson in two days, prompting more security for synagogues, https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-02-16/extra-security-added-for-synagogues-after-two-jewish-men-shot-in-pico-robertson-in-two-days 03:00 Second Jewish man shot by a white guy, https://jewishjournal.com/news/356181/second-jewish-man-shot-in-pico/ 06:00 Twitter thread on shootings, https://twitter.com/thislouis/status/1626287969870184448 08:00 Chinese balloon freakout, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/15/opinion/spy-balloon-china-fear.html 38:00 Salman … Continue reading
Posted in America, Crime, Jews, Los Angeles, Orthodoxy, Pico/Robertson
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