Daily Archives: March 1, 2022

Putin Seems Disrespectful Of Human Rights, Bro (3-1-22)

00:00 The moral lens on the Russian invasion of Ukraine 03:00 Colin Liddell joins, https://affirmativeright.blogspot.com/2022/02/putin-has-lost.html 05:00 Why does the dissident right revere Putin? 07:00 Broad revulsion at Putin 10:00 Putin is not Hitler 12:00 The late life crisis 13:00 The … Continue reading

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The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History

Here are some highlights from this 2010 book by Samuel Moyn: * Historians of human rights approach their subject, in spite of its novelty, the way church historians once approached theirs. They regard the basic cause—much as the church historian … Continue reading

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What Is The Role Of The State?

From the 2019 book, The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt: * Oakeshott concedes that authority is seldom durable, no matter the form of political organization achieved. Anarchy always lurks “just below the surface,” and once authority is questioned or denied, … Continue reading

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