Monthly Archives: May 2021

Napoleon Never Slept: How Great Leaders Leverage Social Energy: Microtechniques of success from Jesus to Steve Jobs

Sociologist Randall Collins writes in this 2016 book: * Charismatic leaders get people focused. They turn their attention onto the same thing. They set in motion positive feedback loops: people in the group build up a shared emotion; the stronger … Continue reading

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Ingredients of Charismatic Leadership

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NYT: As Israel’s Dependence on U.S. Shrinks, So Does U.S. Leverage

00:00 Tucker Carlson Calls For Immigration Moratorium , 05:00 George Floyd death anniversary marked by gun fire 11:00 What do ugly people do? 13:00 Why do some women like rough sex? 15:00 Lovemaps: Sexual/Erotic Health and Pathology, Paraphilia, … Continue reading

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Why Is There Sexual Repression?

Sociologist Randall Collins writes: Social rules are embedded in tacit understandings as to when a rule is to be invoked. Freud would have called this unconscious; Durkheim called it pre-contractual solidarity. There are many persons and many situations where one … Continue reading

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Sexual Repression In 2021 (5-24-21)

00:00 Blokes over 40 should reconsider polo shirts 04:00 Kenneth Brown feels exhausted, 10:00 Bitcoin’s Troubles Go Far Beyond Elon Musk, 17:30 Secession 2.0? 21:00 Was I bullied? 23:00 Sexual repression in 2021, 1:40:30 Mersh is … Continue reading

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